
Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
So... You think you can fuck a horse with your dick? That's what I call having confidence on yourself...
Anyway, I have something for you all...

Copy Pasta from my Patreon ;)

Act II is here

Hello everyone!

Act II arrived, remember that you need to have finished Act I and have saved when Sloth asks you to. Anyway I'll keep the Act I links available still.

But for now here's the new version!

Press "Start" on the game menu to import your save from Act I, after that, saves and loads will work as usual.

Ataegina Act II v0.5.1 PC

Ataegina Act II v0.5.1 MAC

Ataegina Act II v0.5.1 Android The66

All the 3 paths updated
About 200 new images
Continuation of the story
Changed some UI elements
3 new sex scenes (Gotta catch them all!!)

And the links to Act I Remain the same:

V0.5 Windows/Linux

V0.5 MacOS

V0.5 Android (the66)
V4.9 -> V0.5 MAC/PC Update Only
A new update? Lets check it out then!
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Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
Has anyone managed to be "neutral" without needlessly hurting people or transforming women into mindless puppets? Apparently that's not possible. I wish there was a path where you could just ask for 'money' or a "reward" after doing something, without gaining "good" points. Because I don't want to be "good". I just want my character to... fuck as much girls as possible (without MindControl women into mindless puppets) :ROFLMAO:

Nice update tho. The threesome scene was great :)
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Apr 22, 2021
Re downloaded act 1. Saved when sloth asked about it. Still export save files not working. Using Android port. Help......


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
Nice update! I'm on good path so, little content, but very good! When Act II is finished, maybe I'll play act I and II on bad and neutral path, but for now, I'll stick on good. Good work, Dev! Looking foward for next update :)
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May 28, 2017
Place this on your game Mega
Should solve the issue
I have the same error. I was guilty to have alterate some value using console, but i want to continue play it.
I try your file putting it in the game folder replaced the existing (v5.0), but now now all my save generate a crash:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'images/faces/aynaface.png'>:
NameError: name 'mplayer_name' is not defined

Game Developer
Apr 27, 2018
I was wondering, does breaking the bond with Calessa prevent having future scenes with her?
If you break the bond you see that her corruption goes down, but something else goes up... Thatshould give you a hint
i dont see sloth ask to play act 2 in act 1?? how can i play act 2?? i just get the quetion from queen to become elite magician
After you speak with ayna and refuse to be an Elite, Sloth will show up for the save game

Re downloaded act 1. Saved when sloth asked about it. Still export save files not working. Using Android port. Help......
Speak to me on discord, we're not making progresses here

I have the same error. I was guilty to have alterate some value using console, but i want to continue play it.
I try your file putting it in the game folder replaced the existing (v5.0), but now now all my save generate a crash:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'images/faces/aynaface.png'>:
NameError: name 'mplayer_name' is not defined
Yeah... You should have placed it on the "new" game, not on act I

Deleted member 3027200

Here ya go. I just used the original mod as the base.
Differences between this and The Team's 0.4.7 version:
  • Updated walkthrough up to v0.5.0 (Tried to keep the format the same)
  • Properly labeled some past Ending indicators
  • Fixed the v0.4.7 end-of-party trigger from leading to a premature end-of-version notice
  • Made it so you can see both the v0.4.9 Mida scene and Kat scene without having to choose one or the other
  • Very very few grammer/spelling edits
  • Threw a quick fix for the aynalove error in there that may or may not work
  • I had to remove the scene replay gallery due to a case of menu overlap.
I had time to test it, and everything seemed to work fine. Please let me know if something doesn't work for you.
This is something I'm only doing because The Team seems busy. Whether or not I continue to update it is based on what I see them do.
If there is a high demand for it, I can theoretically re-add/update the adult scene gallery. Otherwise I'll focus on the walkthrough.
Hey, I hope you gonna update it


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Kthulian Hey mate, just started Act II & reached the laboratory & have noticed quite a few errors in the text.

MC speaking with Calessa:
"We'll see what's can be done." Should read "... what can be done."

Scene with thug at docks:
"This is private propriety"
Propriety is not the word. Should read "private property". Seems confused with "proprietary".

In the sewer tunnel, MC:
"there is an hidden passage."
"a hidden passage." As a rule of thumb, you only use "an" when the first pronounced letter is a vowel. An unending wait. An hour. A eulogy. A hidden object.

"destilery" is not a word. Should be "distillery".

"Not only his voice is muffled" should be "Not only is his voice muffled"

Enter Runar's room:
"and some women dead bodies" should be "and some dead women's bodies", or "and the bodies of some dead women".

After freeing Emilia:
"I think we should get you something to dress." should be "I think we should get you some clothes." or "get you something to wear."

After back at the brothel:
"She's a little worn out and banged out." if you mean she's been fucked a lot, then this is OK. I think you might have meant "banged up."
"let's find you something more confortable" = "comfortable".
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