I am a sellsword i sell my sword.., and none of you give me my castle yet, i cant believe you guys expect me to fight based on empty promises tsc tsc tsc...,there is still time to pay me you know?
I can only pay in Allesterium... Is it good for you?
all jokes aside i wonder if you can share a bit about your creation process, taking aside the part of the story that happens in all paths, how do you start to write? you choose a path or you start with the idea that comes first into your mind?, or you already wroted a good chunk of everthing?
That's a great question, let's see if I can give you a great answer.
Before I started Ataegina I imagined how it could be done, not everything obviously, because not even now I'm sure how it will play out fully, but I imagined how it would/could end, I imagined the whole "world" with the countries and conflicts, I started the story with some mistery like the white haired woman or the dark figure, the village attack, the MC dreams etc... Something that could cativate the player to find out what is happening and keep playing. Other parts of the game are what comes to my mind at that moment, or something I saw that gave me some kind of motivation.
Resuming, the story as a "Whole" is already written in my head, but the little details are random thoughts and written with each version.
Someday when Ataegina is over I may share my notes. (They are mainly in portuguese
