Thanks for all the feedback folks, it's great to see this much activity in the first day!
Thanks, I certainly plan to!
Thanks - and done! TFGames listing was glitched for a few hours and wouldn't permit adding the download links, but fixed now.
Well, question is definitely off topic heh, as this is a sandbox game that's only gay if you want it to be, so don't want to linger on it here. But, for my money if you're already questioning one aspect of yourself and your sexuality you're more likely to question another. Ergo, many furries find they're OK With Gay and many queer folk realize that furry stuff can be fun too.
Thanks! I'll definitely check it out - while I'm still in the bounds of acceptability of Patreon, and plan on staying there, in the event they change their rules further a backup is good to have.
Yep, if it starts getting some solid income I'll consider commissioning artwork in the future to put donations back into the work, but for now it'll be text-only content.
Saying Social-Justice-Warriors unironically in this year 2019? Yikes! Well bye, since you don't want to associate with me, have a good life stranger!
I prefer working in Unity to working in Flash honestly. I just find it easier and more familiar.
Thanks! This is a common comment yep, next version later this week will have option to select font as well as font size.
There will be a healthy amount for sure!
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks, glad you like it! I'm hoping to keep player options as the primary motivation. Next build should be out later this week!
Thanks again for the responses folk! ( Though I'll ask the random debate on LGBT issues be taken elsewhere please, keep discussion to the game and feedback on it if possible.

) Should have some further content out this week taking the feedback into account, so keep your eyes open for that! Hope you all enjoy the porn!~