Thank you.
What? Oh. I'm sorry for being American. I know the rest of the world kind of hates us and for good reason, but I can't really change where I was born and raised so, if you could lay off the racist undertones, I'd appreciate it. Although, to be fair, I believe the age of consent in my state is 16, but that's usually so the 60+ year old politicians who have slept with 16-year-olds can't be prosecuted. And as I said before, I know the age of consent and all that is different everywhere. Like Russia is prefectly fine with 16-year-olds in porn and in Japan it's legal for 13-17 year olds to fuck and and 18+ to fuck without crossover, which means there's no real laws banning age-play porn and anime from showing 14-year-olds in skimpy outfits. It's not like I don't find it all hot, it's just that as a nearly 40-year-old I'm trying to avoid being the creepy old-guy cliche and try to avoid beating off to things that feature girls young enough to literally be my daughter.
Seriously, though, the facepalming and all the "oh look at the Westerner being all sensative" is a bit much. Please stop.