The library problem for version 5 seems to be the result of not being on the Bianka route, a scene does not fire. Much like the loop bug was/is the result of not being on the Mr. Johnson route when a scene at the coffee shop does not fire.
(You can avoid the loop bug by not confronting Mr. Johnson when you see him on the street after he slaps the MC's butt in the kitchen, this allows for him to turn up at the café. Later on you can tell him to knock it off though and end his route.)
Edit: Okay. I managed to get my regular save to work with version 5 bug fix. I managed to get the image to disappear by walking my character to the Library area from the market, then into the Library, then to the flame, and finally to Ralph who has his own visuals. The image bug went away afterwards.
Keyboard instructions:
Market to Library is just arrow up one, go left for some thirty steps or more, down or up arrow one to transition to the Library area.
Library area to Library is one step left, three steps down, seven or eight steps left, press "Z" key or spacebar. Transition to Library.
Getting to the Flame. Twenty two steps up into the library, six steps right, face up press "Z" key or spacebar. A brief conversation. Instructed to find Ralph for more information.
Getting to Ralph from Flame. Six steps left, eighteen to twenty-one steps down. Wander around. Keep track of not going back up beyond eighteen steps on the far left. You do not want to get into an area Ralph does not wander. When you find Ralph a new visual screen appears and the game continues as normal.
Using these instructions you can play the game without being on the Bianca route. I will see about loading my save file here too. Play sv24 for not being on any route.