Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Wrongfully judged as slow

    Don't listen to the 1 or 2-star ratings, this game is superb and differs from the others with one cruxial and unique feature: Realism

    In contrast to other cheap "jerk off" titles where you get the first H scenes after a couple of slides and every woman is eager to jump on you, this game is challenging in that you have to carefully observe and choose your actions as you go along the story. Being too greedy let's you loose early.

    This coupled with the patience that is expected of you gives this story a whole new level of immersion as like in real life an incestious relationship doesn't just appear like that but slowly introduces itself through small signals and actions.

    The result is extremely awarding because you value every H approach in the game much more than you would in a game where everything is easily handed over to you.

    If you can forgive slower updates than this is a game is a gem and also a classic on F95.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game! Super-high quality renders, great story progression, girls have believable backstories and character development. In addition, different paths, so you can enjoy the game multiple times.

    One thing that almost got me to not play it was the skin color in some early renders which has an artificially brown tone for me (it gets much better later).

    Lastly, for me this game hits the sweet spot between VN and sandbox, it is a sandbox (so you can choose a bit the sequence of events), but without any grind.

    5 stars, Keep it up, please!!!!! :cool:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Engaging story, good visuals (though some characters are seen in other games), unique and developed characters, plenty of choices, many hot events, and tons of content.

    Most of the niche fetishes (NTR etc) are easily-sidestepable. I definitely felt the need to pick and choose who to risk the storyline with. Took a few extra risks and am wondering if that'll come to bite me in the ass. Only updates time will tell.

    Left me wanting more. In the good way.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It's 1 star for me.
    The game started exceptionally well, with interesting characters, scenes/interactions, different paths, dialogues, story, art. THEN, for reasons unknown and while the game had exceptional support, the characters started to look more and more absurd and artificial, the story made less and less sense and for extended periods of time the game could end up not having a single interesting sexy scene in your playthrough or even worse something that could be described as fillers. To my surprise it also featured recycled images.
    The NTR path I was following went to have an almost virginal character (the niece) to fisting for no reasons whatsoever (apparently there wasn't the skill or interest to add an interesting and reasonable path to that point, and the quality and quantity of art were below below standard).
    For these reasons I'll never ever support this dev again.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    i like the fact there other men trying to seduce the girls and if you aren't careful you'll be cucked. Unless that is what you want. The graphics in my opinion are perfect, among the top three porn games of all the games i have played so far
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    At first i saw an incest game quite basic then the writing started to kick in and so much choices to make.

    I'm pretty amazed by this game.
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    I don't generally replay a game but this one could make change my mind.

    Great game!

    Only downside, sometimes you wish you could stop the game because you missed something but for some events you skip a lot of "boring" things BUT sometimes that's not that boring (the super patreon thing for exemple i missed)
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    onurb Cads

    I really like this one.

    Good writing with a lot of meaningful options, clever consequences, believable relationships, lovable heroines and hateful villains.

    The NTR work prety well here, even if you hate it(like myself), the fear of letting Robert and Silver win the girls really ad to the gameplay.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v.0.1.9:

    Another game I've been following since the second or third update, and I will continue doing so if the developer keeps up the top notch work.

    The girls are top notch with each having their own personality that suites the model and, especially the main cast. The villains also have good thought out plot lines that has so far stood up to my expectations. Just an overall great plot with enough choices that actually go places. You have two main routes to follow, either LOVE or NTR. There is also some kind of LOVE/NTR route that makes the girls straight up sluts slowly over time (I am following this one) and having played trough the game a few times so can I safely say that you will not be forced into a NTR scene to achieve something (Scene or plot) if you don't want to. So all the NTR haters can stay calm.

    Sum of it is that this game really delivers on all fronts and if you are new to the game, then you have a lot of content to enjoy. This is also one of the few games that does NTR correct.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Truck you

    A real surprise from the last time I played. Renders are great, and there's quite a lot of content The story is quite good, and the events themselves are well written . I like the characters and how they all have different expressions.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    waiting for next update & the one next & all updates ,,
    love the characters relation , maybe this my life game :love: and my story which i can't tell :cry: ...

    anyway i love the girl & waiting the coming updates to see the happy end ..

    but not like my story end ..
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game started out about average to good, but then Wow, the story just really went off the rails. Characters just started appearing out of nowhere with very little to no context or reason we should care about why they're there. It seems like once the MC and Christine started their relationship, the writer doesn't really know where to go with the story anymore. The whole "crime" aspect of the plot doesn't seem to make sense, but since the real nature of the crime isn't revealed, the player is left not knowing what's going on. For example, out of nowhere we get a recurring character (Robert) that we really didn't care about to begin with, suddenly involved in a major way in this "crime", when there is no context to him being there. So you're just left wondering why the horny bartender from way early in the game is suddenly a big player in this huge multi-million dollar criminal operation. It doesn't make any sense or have any real relevance to the MC's storyline which is essentially a "simple" uncle/niece romance.

    As an erotic game, maybe plot/story isn't what everyone is looking for, but when the sex/relationship parts are so few and far between because the writer is forcing the player to slog through this convoluted criminal plot, you start to lose interest in the sexy parts altogether.

    Plot aside, the renders/visuals are just okay. Just a personal opinion, but the main love interest (Christine), might be the least attractive looking of all the females in the game. The sex scenes are pretty standard, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not worth having to struggle through so much plot. There's nothing wrong with games that have a rich full storyline, it makes the sex parts that much more enjoyable, but this game's plot has lost its focus.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    No scene replay feature although if there was one I would like it to hava the option to unlock everything because there's multiple paths and a lot of tedious choices for example telling MC to get out of bed when there's no option to stay in bed also I had to used the walk-through to get some things to play out how I wanted them to because even the scenes have multiple paths and it's like going through a maze of unnecessary options that only purpose is to seem to slow you down or making it hard for you to get the best outcome each time.

    There is only 14 days at the moment but it would take you a couple hours to do one playthrough and you're going to have to do at least two to see all scenes.

    The sex scenes 4/5
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 2/5 in a VN I don't like to click on a lot of unnecessary thing
    Renders 4/5
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and scenes, varied options with the risks of fucking it all up. Believable story progress.

    Robert and Silver are great villains, and the risk of losing the girls to them makes it all the more entertaining.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Up to v0.1.8. almost 2 years since the game started.

    This game started off well and interesting, but it quickly went stagnant for quite a long time, until eventually I've decided to consider this as a poor game.

    So what happened? The short answer is almost nothing happened. The long answer is that the game felt shallow with story line that doesn't seem to know where it wants to go (what exactly is the story line here anyway? Nobody really knows), characters that aren't necessarily likeable (there are more "bad" characters than "good" ones), updates that ends abruptly (in the middle of conversation with someone? Whoops sorry update ends and wait for 2-3 months), and extremely poor pacing of the game.

    How poor is the pacing? It's almost 2 years since the game started, and we are only on Day 14 in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if the game tried to last however long it could.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, love the fact that NTR is optional. also loved the fact that Jessica was hot but also kinda of a bitch whilst Christine was sweet and adorable. Objectively speaking id say Jessica was probably the hotter of the 2 but my preference lies with Christine, which just goes to show not everything is about looks. Personality matters and the dev did a great job on fleshing this out with the game. im also a dirty perv who loves incest but thats besides the point :LOL:. i think even if christine wasnt related id probably still pick her. good dialogue with some whitty and hilarious back n forth, the free roaming had purpose but wasnt confusing which is quite a feet to pull off, good renders, build up was good, story was believable eh what more can i say, grade A game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 990347

    My favourite so far many impactful choices and many outcomes aside from the MC's mega creep eye when waking up while Christine is in the bed with him it also has beautiful characters (his eyes seriously makes my skin crawl when he's just waking up)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game! At first this was a little bit boring, but I kept playing and BOOM! The game got me, I was unable to stop playing. The story is really unique and I loved it. I like the number of choices that you can make in the game. The game might be even better if you could do things more freely, like going to store whenever you like and stuff like that, but at least you can freely walk in your apartment and on yacht etc. Of course, it would change the game probably radically if you would be able to do whatever you want to. I think after all it is good it is made like it is. Hopefully we'll get a lot more content in the future releases. At this version there was a nice amount of content already, but it felt like the story has just begun. Graphics were quite good too, but still they could be even better.

    Rating (out of 5)
    Graphics: 4
    Story: 5
    Content: 5
    Gameplay: 5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Another taboo themed game where you play the uncle. Not very taboo because uncles are like cousins and everybody kisses theyre cousins so its fine. :whistle:
    The story is very good and the sex develops slowly (as it should in smart taboo). Im going solo niece and i think i have a crush on Jessica, so i guess this tells you that the characters are well written and relatable.
    There was a build up to the boat scene and it was great! A lot of sex, o lot of faping and a lot of revelations. I loved it. Heres hoping the creator can go for another one like it down the road.
    Dont know how this game isnt featured in the popular games as it is one of the top VN out there. Super thumbs up. (y)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.1.7b

    Babysitter is a splendid pornographic visual novel, one of the best I've played at this point in time. It has a number of choices with significant consequences.

    The writing is quite good and improves as the story goes on. The most recent writing has been exceptional, most notably the scenes at the karaoke bar and the spa both of which were highly romantic, erotic and entertaining.

    The models are generally quite good and you can get most of what you need to know about this from screenshots. Personally, I find Christine's face a little less pretty than I'd like at times. Jessica is gorgeous. Sonya vascillates between the two depending on outfit/makeup/lighting. Also, I believe there was some improvement from early to recent renders. In the most recent content there are also some very impressive animations.

    Perhaps the most important thing to know about this game is that its story focus is as much about competing with specific other males for the girls' affections as anything else. While NTR is completely avoidable, you cannot avoid a heavy amount of interaction with these other suitors as well as scenes were you get to experience their private efforts while the MC is not present. I can't say I really enjoy this, especially because I find it frustrating that the girls are so utterly unaware of how vile these people seem to be (admittedly the MC might not be much better) but it's worth tolerating.

    I also slightly dislike how the MC's inner dialogue paints him in a somewhat negative light rather untroubled with his potential polyamoury or at least how it affects others. I'm a little unclear how to describe this but there are other games that let me be a creep without feeling like a creep, if you take my meaning. :) He also could mitigate the effects of this with better communication with the ladies, but generally he just seems to hope for the best instead.

    Like many VNs, this game also suffers from that curse of requiring nearly perfect play to maximize the content seen and the best responses. I know this is appealing to many, promoting replayability and challenge, but I dislike it and find the only way I can really enjoy them is to use a walkthrough, even though that's not something I care for doing with any other genre.

    Regardless, this is a wonderful game and I'm very much looking forward to the addition of more content, especially if it lets me curb stomp Robert!
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen

    This game is very impressive when it comes to choices. Especially with the smaller ones that can unlock hidden scenes later. Yet somehow it is still a bit forgiving when it comes to the approval point system. So you don't always have to say the "correct" thing to keep progressing along a main path, although you may miss a couple of minor scenes here and there.

    There are a few big decisions that will seriously alter your relationship with someone, but they are usually fairly obvious so I've only been fooled a couple of times so far. But it's a good idea to make regular saves just in case things take an unexpected turn and you want to back out of there in a hurry.

    The artwork is top notch and there are some really smooth animations in the game.

    The writing is quite good so far. The characters have distinct personalities and are largely consistent in their actions. Occasionally one of them will do something that seems a bit out of character for them, but usually it's something fairly easy to avoid if you don't like it.

    The only thing I'm nervous about is how the two alternate love interests are handled. I suspect that they will be restricted to a temporary fling, but I keep hoping that they each get a chance at a proper ending.

    I'm enjoying the game so far (v0.1.7b) and am curious to see how the main conflict will be resolved.

    The last few updates were just awful. Christine acted extremely out of character in the 1.8 update in order to force a specific sex scene into every major route in the game. The story never recovered from that, and the characters actions were no longer were consistent with their established personalities. The game was then rushed to completion as the developers wanted to work on their new game instead of creating proper endings to all routes for this one.

    One of the three leading ladies just up and disappears without a trace. She isn't written out of the story, she just isn't written about. Although that may have been a small blessing in disguise because at least she couldn't have her character completely butchered by the writers. My favourite of the main three suffered the most from the late game writing as she would frequently do things that were entirely out of character for her, and she never got a proper ending of her own despite the obvious setup for one.

    It looks like there will be one more update to finish off the other main route in the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if that never gets completed. The developers already started shoehorning characters from their new game into this one, so it's clear where their priorities lie.