Make Red horny in scene 2. Have only Wolf be horny in scene 4.
If it's not that, only make Red horny in scene 2. Don't make anyone else horny.
Have Red and Wolf get horny in scene 2. Don't make Woodsman horny when he catches them.
P.S. You can click on the neighboring X on the chart to see what the other results were. Should give you an idea of what decisions you made.
Here's some tips on how to read the map
- Straight line on the map means you didn't make anyone horny up until that point (Scene 1, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 4).
- L3 is the branch where you make only Woodsman horny in Scene 1
- L1.2 is the branch where you only make Red horny in Scene 2 (can't be horny in scene 1).
- To get the good ending, Red horny in Scene 2, then make choose everyone to be horny whenever prompted.