4.10 star(s) 13 Votes


Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
Thanks, I had fig that my English is gonna be an issue. I'll see about getting an editor.
Hi, just finished the prologue and I think this game looks promising! The models are great for the most part and the story is intriguing. As for the writing it's okay and apart from a few instances where you could use an editor (as you yourself mentioned already) it is easy to understand what's going on. Reminds me of RtP in a way...

I especially like the Beckett character - for one she resembles Louise from 'Secrets' @MrKnobb and second that name - you weren't inspired by a certain Cpt Beckett of 'Castle' fame weren't you? ;-)

Anyways - great start, kudos! Looking forward to more of this. Can you give us an estimate when the first update will be due?


Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
Hi, just finished the prologue and I think this game looks promising! The models are great for the most part and the story is intriguing. As for the writing it's okay and apart from a few instances where you could use an editor (as you yourself mentioned already) it is easy to understand what's going on. Reminds me of RtP in a way...

I especially like the Beckett character - for one she resembles Louise from 'Secrets' @MrKnobb and second that name - you weren't inspired by a certain Cptn Beckett of 'Castle' fame weren't you? ;-)

Anyways - great start, kudos! Looking forward to more of this. Can you give us an estimate when the first update will be due?
Thanks for pointing out the mistake in the menu, I completely overlook them. And you caught me, she was inspired by Cpt Kate Beckett from Castle. As far as next update goes, I'm going to try to aim for before the end of February at the latest. But I'm pushing for the middle of February.


Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
Thanks for pointing out the mistake in the menu, I completely overlook them.
Well, no criticism intended as you had already pointed out you were aware of the problem. So just wanted to point out a few of the errors in the intro. Just trying to help. (And didn't want to clog the thread by proofreading all of the text :p ) And - as opposed to some of the extremely 'Engrish' games put forward by some devs that would require a complete re-write - this is actually quite good and easily understood for the most part. (y)

And you caught me, she was inspired by Cpt Kate Beckett from Castle.
Sigh, me likey :love: They're both hot.

As far as next update goes, I'm going to try to aim for before the end of February at the latest. But I'm pushing for the middle of February.
Looking forward to that!
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Nov 22, 2018
It was just the last drop in the bucket. In all threads you see the same comments. People who seem to be unable to read 2 posts above their own. A dev being pointed towards his mispelling of certain words/frases while in his first post he clearly states his English is far from perfect.

I don't understand why the language comment can't be send in a PM to the dev instead of being posted here on the open forum. Its denegrating. I for one am gratefull the devs offer their time and effort to provide us with these graphic novels/games.


Jun 26, 2018
It was just the last drop in the bucket. In all threads you see the same comments. People who seem to be unable to read 2 posts above their own. A dev being pointed towards his misspelling of certain words/phrases while in his first post he clearly states his English is far from perfect.

I don't understand why the language comment can't be send in a PM to the dev instead of being posted here on the open forum. Its denigrating. I for one am grateful the devs offer their time and effort to provide us with these graphic novels/games.
You kinda just answered your own question, this is in fact an open forum and an area to freely discuss what people like and dislike about what is shared here. Not everything is gonna be positive, you would have cause for outrage had the post accompanying the corrections was filled with negative disparaging remarks towards the dev but it was simply freely given corrections.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
So someone takes the time to provide corrections without insult or attack so the developer is aware of the errors and has the corrections to improve the game and you feel the need to respond with a hissy fit? What is your problem?
I could see him taking it as an attack to kind of discourage the dev... I mean half the shit he corrected is basically a non-issue for me, and I am sure most people except the very anal grammar nazis would have a shit fit over them, thinking its an insult to their language which isnt that great to begin with.

I mean stuff that gets to me and I am like "someone plz fix this !!" is lines like:

Ok I helpz you, why me sad ?

Not a dumb run on sentence, or something that has a caps with no period before it... Obviously for the first part I mean a run on sentence that you can still read/say in a single breath, not a wall of text with no commas or periods...

Again if he was just trying to help the dev, which I think he was that is fine ! But the stuff in his first post he fixed would have flown over my head to me honest while looking at naked bitches, or the banana dick of the MC.

Want to know a game that needs proofreading help ? Lucky Mark, half the shit the characters say in that game leave me saying "well I guess its not easy growing up anywhere".... Thats how confused I am left with half the lines in that game.
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Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
I could see him taking it as an attack to kind of discourage the dev... I mean half the shit he corrected is basically a non-issue for me, and I am sure most people except the very anal grammar nazis would have a shit fit over them, thinking its an insult to their language which isnt that great to begin with.

I mean stuff that gets to me and I am like "someone plz fix this !!" is lines like:

Ok I helpz you, why me sad ?

Not a dumb run on sentence, or something that has a caps with no period before it... Obviously for the first part I mean a run on sentence that you can still read/say in a single breath, not a wall of text with no commas or periods...

Again if he was just trying to help the dev, which I think he was that is fine ! But the stuff in his first post he fixed would have flown over my head to me honest while looking at naked bitches, or the banana dick of the MC.

Want to know a game that needs proofreading help ? Lucky Mark, half the shit the characters say in that game leave me saying "well I guess its not easy growing up anywhere".... Thats how confused I am left with half the lines in that game.

Just a short reply:
  • The dev asked for an editor.
  • I provided a few of those edits.
  • When doing sth no use doing a half-assed job, that isn't what editing is all about.
  • From direct correspondance w/ dev he understood what I wrote and didn't object at all.
  • Why everybody and their brother gets his/her knickers in a knot about sth that did not happen is beyond me.
  • @Rythan25 Concur w/ you on Lucky Mark - that is a prime example (in soo many ways) of how not to do it.
I'll leave it at that.

Take care everybody and enjoy the game, it's very good already!
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The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
If you feel you can do a better job, please do. Go create your own game.

Lol. Calm down, Padawan. A lot of devs appreciate it, when/if players point out grammar and spelling errors, and especially so, if their English isn't that great.
Also, nothing about WaltS' post was in any way unfriendly, he just factually offered corrections.
I could understand a hot-headed response like this, if a) WaltS made it a habit to just correct everybody's post in this thread, or b) if you were the dev and took his offered help the wrong way.
Since neither is the case I point you to the forum rules and ask you to behave accordingly.


Jul 23, 2018
I could see him taking it as an attack to kind of discourage the dev... I mean half the shit he corrected is basically a non-issue for me, and I am sure most people except the very anal grammar nazis would have a shit fit over them, thinking its an insult to their language which isnt that great to begin with.

I mean stuff that gets to me and I am like "someone plz fix this !!" is lines like:

Ok I helpz you, why me sad ?

Not a dumb run on sentence, or something that has a caps with no period before it... Obviously for the first part I mean a run on sentence that you can still read/say in a single breath, not a wall of text with no commas or periods...

Again if he was just trying to help the dev, which I think he was that is fine ! But the stuff in his first post he fixed would have flown over my head to me honest while looking at naked bitches, or the banana dick of the MC.

Want to know a game that needs proofreading help ? Lucky Mark, half the shit the characters say in that game leave me saying "well I guess its not easy growing up anywhere".... Thats how confused I am left with half the lines in that game.
So your point is because other games have worse translations that opens up the possibility that the Walts was being a jerk? WTF is wrong with people, when the words "@Lennier Some corrections:" then provides corrections can be viewed as an insult?

People are such dicks that now you have to beware if you mention problems with bad translations you wont be judge by what you actually said but you have to be aware of how bad all OTHER games are, aka omniscient and if they are worse then you are just a prick for providing said corrections. fucking hell people are just wankers.


Nov 22, 2018
Guys, Fellas,
Walts gave his view on things, and I gave mine. Its clear we can agree to disagree. Let's just leave it at that. :cool:

Pif paf

Engaged Member
Jr. Uploader
Feb 5, 2018
OK, I like the prologue Very Much for the story.
It got me so wound up that I didn't look for the sex scenes...o_O

Edited: Very Fortunately for me, I totally missed the drama series in posts... very entertaining :D


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
Lol banana dick.

Actually a real abnormality though, it's caused by boys humping their mattress instead of jacking off with their hand.

Yes, I too was surprised to hear that was a thing.
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Game Developer
Jun 8, 2017
I just put out a... fix version up. nothing new. just a fix on grammar and miss spelling. I did those for fun while waiting for my friend to finish editing. So enjoy. There'll be more on my page. feel free to drop in.

Dress to kill.png Dress to kill 4.png Dress to kill 3.png Dress to kill 2.png


Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
Hey @DarkWolf2055 could you update the OP w/ the new version and the preview pics? Thx!

@Lennier So the Changelog would be like this:
  • Bugfix only, no new content
  • Squashed some grammar bugs
  • Corrected spelling errors and edited dialogue


P.S. Kate err Alice and that HK - I'm in love....


Mar 31, 2018
hmmmm, in-game it says Version .11, button F95 it says V1.1, that is a big discrepancy.
Its definitely a V0.11
4.10 star(s) 13 Votes