If I may, a way to envision the base GUI variables in every gui script... remember, they are just variables nothing more. That said they are designed to be the baseline for the rest of your VN to build off of meaning if you need a new style/var for any screen/scene (for this example let's randomly use Preferences screen and specifically checkboxes) then one would create new styles that use the gui basline for the initial setup then change any other screen specific as needed. This is why in this example for "check button text" you'd start by bringing in the baseline of the main gui's overall button/text styling:
style check_button_text is gui_button_text
Then you could alter just the specific attribute that you feel needs to be different from the gui baseline, let's say the size for example so after the above parent inheritance you'd need just one additional line added:
style check_button_text size 28
To make it even simpler you can combine the two as well. This way you don't have to keep rewriting the same baseline code over and over (that's why there is gui variables to begin with, to make things efficient):
style check_button_text is gui_button_text:
size 28
So I don't add confusion, just think of the entire UI variable system is setup like a hierarchy or pyramid. This is so you don't have to repeat code over and over again, you can just inherit from a baseline style/var bank and simply change only the specific items needed. It's actually a clever system once you wrap you head around the inheritance system.
Wall of text, apologies but just hoping to help a bit.
BTW, I have the picker working correctly. I'm now sorting it so if "reset" that the sample color and associated hex/rgb data reflects the reset default color/data. It'll all be okay bud, I know it can be overwhelming at times... I feel that way at times too. When struggling just walk away for a bit, clear your mind, then attack it fresh keeping it basic and simple so you don't get yourself going in circles (which is easy to do, our minds start playing the code problems we face in loops and creating "tunnel vision").