Yesterday was the first time I played this and I hope it is okay that I give my general impression after that. I gladly played until the end and that means it was a nice experience. But I have a few reservations as well that I will simply state and which can be ignored.
- Choosing the protag's sex is very nice and I will probably pick the other one on a second playthrough.
- I remember it took a long time before there was a real choice and even then there were lots of fake choices of the type "where do you want to go". I did not find it consistent when
at first you had a choice to knock on Rachel's door and then later MC storms in anyway. Maybe I missed something or the game is counting points for things that have not been revealed yet.
- I think MC overreacted a bit more than I would if I had the choice. Fits in with my point above.
- I found the ginger
stepsister or whatever she is cute but nothing more than that. Katherine, Hanna and Rachel actually drew me in to play this game and I was disappointed when
sending the ginger girl away at night was an automatic game over. I knew this meant I had to tolerate her scenes and simply click through them as fast as possible. Of course it is a valid choice to make certain things not optional, but being attracted to 3D lolis, tomboys, young adult girls
with somehow a kink for being a bitch yet submissive or milfs is such a different preference that I can see it makes more people confused.
All in all, it still is a nice game, I wish to see more and good luck with its development. :3