+ Really hot female models, Rachel and Ellie look great. Jada's alright, too
+ Nice render quality, really well done
+ Kinda like the way the textbox is handled, looks different
+ Not even kidding, I always appreciate accurately rendered food. It all looks tasty
+ Kudos for the F95 cameo

+ I like the way Ellie behaves. Kinda crazy, kinda intriguing
+ I love how no one wears bras in that house
+ The cop sucks, but in a funny way
+ No one condemns me for opening doors all the time. No game overs. Paradise!
+- Katherine looks kinda bland, mainly because of the low-end DAZ hairstyle
- WTF is up with the male MC's shoes... xD
- The female MC's aren't any better
- Can't choose "Rachel's Story" although I finished both the male and female path. Why include it then?

- The female MC option is kinda pointless. I rushed through it and there were like 5 sentences that differ. The only scene that changes slightly is the one at the end with the underwear
All in all, really nice. Love it.