Guess the point went over like a big old helium balloon, huh? I'm sorry, man. The frustration I have on the matter is not you , but the hundreds and hundreds of posts before yours on this thread and every other thread over and over and over again chomping away at the same old bit. It's like having 3 10 year olds in the back seat of the car on a 200 mile trip. Every 60 seconds "are we there yet?".
The only reply anyone can give your plea is this. That update is going to come out when it comes out. Period. There is one person with control over that, the developer. If he hasn't released a date, then there's just no date yet. Nothing is about to change that. Just go back 10 pages in this thread alone and find out how many times that has already been established. So naturally, over time, the unending redundant whine of when, when, gimme, gimme, can't stand to wait anymore is just so old and utterly useless. You will have to expect that it's going to draw snarky comments from those, like me, who are flat out sick of reading that stuff. Which even takes less time than it does to type that nonsense out. You'd think people would get sick of doing that over and over again.