Nice game, very nice renders and reeeeally nice animations.

It certainly scratches an itch, that few games will satisfy, at least not in a very good way.
I also like your approach to game development, screwthename.
I have a few questions:
1. I don't fully understand the "transformation" magic system.
- I have not yet managed to get any random encounter to engage in any naughty activities. Am I correct in assuming, that I need to cast a certain spells combination, maybe in a specific order for them to do so?
- Can you have sex with any random encounter? (not that I want to have sex with a goblin) Or ist it only for some of them? Or only if you lose?
- What else do the spells do? It seems to me, that if I cast transformation spells on Illonia, her sex skills are more successful? Like if I fight a female bandit and cast bimbofication on Illonia, her "Tease" skill seems to work better. Am I mistaken?
- Sometimes Lothar will not cast a spell and seems to tell me, that this spell in not useful for certain battles. Is that so or is that just random spell failure?
2. What does fidelity do? Will it affect the characters decisions or will anything change in the story, if I increase it? Do I need to have it at a certain level to get some options in the future?
Because I think I missed at least one chance to increase Illonia's fidelity, when I let her have with the goblins at the very beginning. She seemed so happy about it, at the time and it felt rude to interrupt...
I hope someone with mor experience can answer my questions before I play myself into a corner...
screwthename: Please keep up the good work. This project is a rare beacon in a sea of crappy games for me.
Well, thanks a lot ! I'm really happy you enjoyed it !
Let me answer those questions :
"- I have not yet managed to get any random encounter to engage in any naughty activities. Am I correct in assuming, that I need to cast a certain spells combination, maybe in a specific order for them to do so?"
-Yeah, all fight can be ended if you use the right transformations on the right characters. No order needed though. Currently there's one scene for the goblin, one scene for the female bandit, one for the male bandit and 3 with Eris the redhead (1 that requires to go deeper in the game to unlock).
"- Can you have sex with any random encounter? (not that I want to have sex with a goblin) Or ist it only for some of them? Or only if you lose?"
-Just as I said before, there's scene for every foe you can encounter. For the goblin, it's gonna be Illonia who'll fuck him, not you ^^ And yeah, there's also a scene if you loose.
"- What else do the spells do? It seems to me, that if I cast transformation spells on Illonia, her sex skills are more successful? Like if I fight a female bandit and cast bimbofication on Illonia, her "Tease" skill seems to work better. Am I mistaken?"
-The spells in itself won't change a lot. On foes, they will slightly debuff their stat and also change a little their behavior (they might use some attacks more often), and i t won't change anything on yourself, it's purely estethic.
"- Sometimes Lothar will not cast a spell and seems to tell me, that this spell in not useful for certain battles. Is that so or is that just random spell failure?"
-Not all spells are working everytime or on enyone. It's a way to avoid softlocking yourself out of the scene, by having various transformations active that won't bring to any scene. That means that if a spell doesn't work, try the others and you'll end up fiding the correct combo for the scene (all scene require 2 or 3 spells, no more). Sometimes it's also because I haven't made the pic for this variation, and it's never used in a scene anyway. You can also use all the spells you want on a character that's outside the scene (for example, the scene with the female bandit only includes Lothar and her, so Illonia can be transformed to your liking, since she won't be in the scene).
"2. What does fidelity do? Will it affect the characters decisions or will anything change in the story, if I increase it? Do I need to have it at a certain level to get some options in the future?"
-Fidelity doesn't really matter for now.
It's a parameter for those who want to do a harem run, where only Lothar can fuck the girls. The idea is that when the score is high enough (around 8, which can't be reached yet), the girls won't have random events with other characters.
But if you want to play the game normally, with everyone fucking who they want, don't worry about it.
I'll work deeper in this system later, when it's needed. ANd you'll be able to regulate it pretty easily if you want them to fuck around.
" Because I think I missed at least one chance to increase Illonia's fidelity, when I let her have with the goblins at the very beginning. She seemed so happy about it, at the time and it felt rude to interrupt..."
-She certainly loves fucking with whoever goes around ! Increasing the fidelity isn't always the better option
Well, I hope this anwer everything ! If you have other questions (or if you want to know what combo of spells unlock the scenes), feel free to ask !
I'm often around, and more than happy to answer