For a while I've been remembering the scene with the ex-gf where you encourage her to get drunk and do drugs and party with the swingers, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what game it was... mystery solved.
I noticed that the dev mentioned Bella is the main girl (fair given the title) when I was lurking in the thread waiting for the patch... but I can't say I'm that fussed about her... Mallorie is probably my No 1. as she has good style and attitude, other than the smoking she's great (and her path leads to Nedra who'd be joint first but I get the feeling she won't reappear and I didn't want to piss off Mal so had to opt out of)... I can sense some naughty potential in Abby's sister, maybe a future sugarbaby kinda deal... the ex seems up for some kinky shit so she gets points... Sofia is also on my radar just because I want to steal her... the MC's sister for wincest... even Emma has made a bit of an impression... hell some of the background characters like those schoolgirls that hang out with the priest, or the twins from volleyball I'm more curious about than Bella, haha. I'm not complaining about adding her to the list of ladies the MC is knocking boots with, but if push comes to shove she'll be out long before some of the others.
I can't remember how far things got before so dunno how much of this was new or not, but it was a good time, hopefully we'll get Mallorie soon.