Unity - Bare Backstreets [v0.7.4] [Jasonafex]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    *sigh*. The music and overall style the game is going for is fine. The nsfw animations are great: although they lean more towards anal since the animations are shared with the male character. Those aspects are fine and acceptable. But holy crap is the actual gameplay glitchy as hell. Enemies get stuck out of bounds, animations play on top of each other, I can't even complete a level because the game just hangs after you hit the exit portal, the game won't even close if you play it too long and you have to manually kill it. It's been like this for years, man. I know the creator is very controversial in the community, but I'm not involved in it. I just want a functional game and this aint it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Never play this unless you want to try and force yourself to a game thats crashing every 5- 20 seconds, I agree the people that are talking about the game crashing every few seconds. Probs the devs fault not looking for the thing that makes users crash on the game.

    Also the Art is nice but not enough time to admire them due the crashing.
    And also there isn't any pop ups that tells the controls
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    "I rarely give one-star reviews, but there is really no other option here. You should know your game is not in a good state when even the 'exit' button doesn't work.

    The game itself would be nice, but since it is so filled with bugs you can't really get past the first stage, there's not much to talk about.

    The animations are nice, but it's like having a house with a perfect roof and barely any walls.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Normally i wait for a game to be complete before trying it, but since the last time i tried this game i couldn't get past the character selection menu before the game stopped working, this time with the release of a new update i wanted to see if i could play it this time, but it seems that for the game i chose death, because this time not only did the game freeze at the patreon code screen, but it also made itself impossible to close even with the task manager (for those with only one monitor this is a nightmare) literally soft locking my pc so i was forced to restart it.

    I still think that artistically the characters are drawn and animated well (judging only from the images), i can't judge the gameplay yet but i don't think that after this attempt i will make another one.

    I am aware of the sins of jasonafex, but just like J. K. Rowling you have to separate the actions of the artist from his creations before judging the creation itself, personally i like the art style of jason but as far as creating games (judging from other reviews) it's a disaster, i advise him to get help from someone more skilled and experienced.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This whole game is more of a mess than a actual game, it started firstly as a way to revive that old project jason had, but every update the game just became worse and worse and worse.

    firstly, the requirements. Usually porn games do not take a gaming PC to play (with a few exceptions), and you would think that would be the case for this game, but it is so badly optimized even on high end pcs the game still runs choppily.

    second of all, the game itself, it started as a stage based platformer but then it evolved into a platforming battle game with randomly generated maps, wich doesnt work at all (especially with the enemie's tracking) and the whole battle system revolves around just spamming the attack button untill enemies are dead, i do give them props for making the escape function not just a spam of buttons.

    third point, the animations themselves. the art in the game isnt bad at all, but it just feels cheap, the animation starts with animation A (thrusting) then goes into animation be (same but with a few changes and faster) then youd expect it to go to animation C (cumming with a different pose) but instead it just goes back to the first animation with some cum animated on it, wich kills the pase of the porn really bad. and a second point, adding new "characters" is as deep as just editing previous animations (with some still being WIPs to this day if im not wrong)

    fourth point, the bugs, the game has been riddled with bugs all through its development, from enemies or the player itself moving inside terrain, to enemies not being able to pathfind you properly, to the game outright crashing.

    fifth and final point (and the worst of all) the game is fucking dead, im pretty sure the post doesnt have the "abandoned" tag on it because jason hasnt confirmed that its abandoned, but the game has not received any kind of update in MONTHS, if you check their patreon page (wich is still getting about 4K $ a month) the last update they released was on march. if you go to their discord, the game hasnt been talked about since months, not even by the people inside the discord.

    im still unsure as to why people still donate to this game, or even care.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    [0.7.3] literally unplayable
    • Tutorial? Opponet is intagible, so you can't complete it
    • Huge knockback + extremely far KO sliding = KOing enemy can't find you because you're offscreen
    • KO slides you into another group of enemies? They can't see you
    • KO'd in a valley? Become a frictionless perpetual-motion machine!
    • Intentionally KO'd so you land short disance between enemy and wall on flat ground? Ignored or they can't pathfind to you, (despite them being perfectly capable if you stand in the same place)
    • Enemies take several seconds to notice you even at close range
    • Melee enemies are a joke: you always get the first hit and stunlock them
    • Ranged enemies ignore you! once you slap them and wait, they use supersonic projectiles and continue to snipe you from offscreen (reasonable dodging distance) for several seconds
    You can't lose unintentionally, and when you do "lose" you don't even get scenes... bravo

    my mistake, not literally unplayable:
    Two enemies (plant & female ninja) seem to work OK (AI + pathfinding + can trigger scenes)
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Still unpolished but has potential. The art direction, animations, and general theme of the game are all solid but the mechanical side needs more story and optimization. The developer has already mentioned a big update soon so we hope it will fix some of the more grievous problems.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Positives: beautiful animations and furry art, a platformer so it already by definition is a more complex and interactive game than VNs and whatnot.

    Negatives: where do I begin?

    This game is mechanically broken. Some aggressors/enemies straight can't have sex with you and just walk idly aka bugged. Other enemies die without you even making contact with them.

    The diversity of enemies is poor too, 90% of enemies I run into are cisgender male. I'd like to see more female and transgender (male or female) characters.

    Overall: there's no point in having great aesthetics and animations if I can't reach them. This game is unplayable in its current state and I would advise against supporting this game on Patreon until the abundant bugs are addressed.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely buggy mess. Completely unplayable at times and at an unacceptable place considering the length of its development. At this rate I don't believe it will ever be in a state where you can actually consistently play the game.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Its LITERALLY unplayable, It crashes after 5 seconds in the game (And its not just for me and a dozen of people, Its for almost everyone who is playing the current version, AND EVEN the past versions where buggy and crashed a LOT)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I thought I reviewed this here but I guess I didn't but doesn't really matter. it was shitty back in 2019 and it's slightly less shitty now but only because there's more to it, otherwise it's still a pretty bad game. There's just so many things about it that you can easily nitpick and it's not just a small detail here and there, its the entire game. From game breaking bugs to the fact that the gallery has a seek bar yet pausing the animation doesn't actually pause the animation. That animation player there is purely aesthetic because it doesnt actually work. If you want an example of the functionality of this game I went into the settings to adjust the audio and change the controls and doing those two things alone locked up the game. The little settings bubbles that pop up over the cogs representing the settings in general just stayed up and everything was unclickable. The game didn't respond to the mouse, didnt respond to default controls, new controls, my controller when I turned it on, just straight up soft locked from simply interacting with the settings menu. Turns out the x button to exit the control settings just softlocks the game for some reason. Let that sink in.

    What about the gameplay? Still fucking awful. It's clunky and unwieldy. For some reason I can't remap attack specifically so even though the game has it set to X, i set it to X, and in the menu its set to X, its still Q, which is fucking awful when you consider my jump is Z and I just literally cannot change it, I'm forced to work around it and every attempt to figure out this problem is a restart of the game because again it softlocks. Dealing with this the actual combat fucking blows. They wanted a combo system like you'd see in those flashy games where you can just get like 10 hits on the ground, pop em up, continue it in the air, do some crazy shit like that, but this one doesnt even work. Half the time I'm mashing attack and it just pauses after the first hit as if it's trying to register whether or not I'm allowed to do the second hit and follow up. Sometimes I get the 3 hit combo, most of the times it just does the starter jab/swipe over and over. Not to mention this combined with the fact that they add a lot of flashy effects to give it that pop really just shows how barren and gaudy this game is when its bringing so much attention to even just your jump and dash.

    Speaking of jumps, your jump constantly gets gimped, and I literally mean constantly. Jumping up a slope? Nope, you will jump and maybe ascend half an inch off the ground because this game cant handle walls or slopes combined with jumps. Thats right you can't even jump when you're too close to a wall or barrel. This is kind of a fucking problem when you want to implement platforming to your game and you know, the one most important element in a platformer doesnt even function properly several years into development.

    As for the animation, to each their own, I've never really liked it. It just looks so janky because they went with a minimal design and made them like 6 frame animations or something. Everything is so jumpy with the animation and obviously the only ones they cared about are the porn animations. I still don't get why you'd have an anthro run on all fours like a feral either, it looks so dumb to me.

    This game is just another self validating project Jasonafex has tried to pump out except unlike a comic this needs way more effort. Not that he's probably doing it, considering to my knowledge most of all he does is tween pictures into animations. Just don't bother with this game, it's only there for jason to slap his oc on yet again as the main poster child forced into every scenario he can push him into.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Somehow keeps getting worse as they fix more. Not to mention the creator and the drama around them. Sucks a lot too since I actually really liked the artists (Kabier) stuff years ago. Her style has become indistinguishable from lots of others and their content direction is less than favorable.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    A truly unplayable game, with a few good animations.

    The game suffers from a well documented lack of optimisation, which renders the game barely functional.
    Primarly this manifests in a sub 20FPS on all systems, usually below 10FPS; subsequently rendering controlls sluggish and a fight in itself.
    Several bugs are also present, most apparent of which is making all NPCs impossible to interact with.
    Thus I cannot truly comment on how the game is to play, beyond the challanges it puts up to be interacted with.

    The scene viewer is probably the best and only functional part of this, where you will find well drawn but lacking animations.
    Enemies have 3 scenes on average, sone more or less; problem is really just how few of them there are for a fighting game. You will come accross the same enemy type with a different palette, making it feel rather repetitive.
    Most scense are also do a good job at hiding genetalia, making many to be just two bodies humping each other with not much to look at.

    The game is not worthy of the bandwith it takes to acquire, let alone time you would spend to fight it. I would strongly suggest to give this one a pass.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    For how long this game has been in the making you would think that at this point one level would be optimized right? Wrong the combat is a joke the ranking at the end of each location is a joke the sex is just you running at an enemy and submitting to them. Weird because you can dominate one of the kobold things in the gym area but if you defeat an enemy in the game they despawn.

    The talking to that one character at the near end of each arena is bugged aswell as the guy in the gym. I played the ferocious feline i think is her name and unless you want to hear raw meat repeating slapping across the ground for the entire arena do not use her throwables. They're incredibly op if that matters since finishing an arena gives you an f ranking no matter what. The enemies are mid. God forbid there be a feral sex scene.

    Tbh I never tested anything because i'm not into get fucked games but hey might aswell play a cool looking furry game. Jasonafex needs to retire and stop shilling out garbage games to save face for already securing the easiest patreon bag. Nobody is going to unsubscribe unless patreon removes their subscriptions on their on accord.

    Tldr don't install this game unless you want to be inspired by how easy it is to make money as a shitty game developer. You'll end up doing ten times better than this game
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Looks good, kills your computer.

    I mean that literally. It's so badly optimized that you need something capable of running the latest AAA games at maximun resolution and it will still make your computer suffer.

    I would not recommend it, at all. At the end of the day paying a hundred bucks for furry porn would still be cheaper than playing this and replacing your graphic card. I don't have enough money to go around throwing it for that, seeing as you're here neither do you.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is unplayable.

    That was the definition that came to my mind.

    Everything in this game seems like it was made without even the developers testing it, it seems like they don't care about the game anymore.

    Let's get to the details:
    - Gameplay is totally buggy. The movements are accompanied by FPS crashes. That is, there are times when the game crashes due to poor optimization, as a result of lack of skill (or competence, in this case).

    - The animations and arts are the only things that make this game "better". They're good, but it doesn't matter if everything else is in complete chaos.
    Even a criticism is the lack of diversity of animation poses. All three playable characters have the same animation.

    - The mechanics are completely broken. The punches are barely accurate, along with the fact that opponents are terrible at fighting. Which I guarantee is going to be complete hell to play.

    I swear I try to find something good in this game.
    But... in this state?

    They are simply giving a shit about their donors.

    Defending this game is simply a joke. How many have this production? 4 years?
    And it doesn't even have new content right?

    I'm going to delete this game and recommend you do the same.

    (Ps: Are there 25 people participating in the production? God in heaven).

    Pss: This is the first time I do a negative review on this site. Congratulations
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Not worth the time.
    As of right now this game is too unpolished to justify playing it.
    Enemies become invisible/glitch out of level, sounds become endless, prompts what aren't working, etc.
    Lackluster amount of porn content. It is good content, but there isn't much, not to mention what all player characters share the animations. So even though you have 3 characters sex animations for them are all the same.

    Just wait for the full release, since right now there isn't enough content to justify suffering through bugs.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Not sure why the game is rated so poorly. It has good mechanics and is really solid for a WIP. Currently at .7 and really fun. Though some off the buff and abilities are broken or glitch there is nothing game breaking I have seen.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Its dogshit.

    Don't know what you are expecting.

    Just another developer that is milking their patrons, not releasing worthwhile content.

    1 enemy added.

    Everything else about the game is a broken mess.

    How much of a broken mess?

    Your only sane playability would be going into the debug or whatever it is stage to mess with the enemies.

    Oh, good luck closing the app. My attempts at closing it caused a freeze where I could only window's key my Windows Menu to bring me to start so I had to hit Log Out/Sign Out of windows to just close the fucking game.

    Yea, the game is that much of a fuck up where you can't even Task Manager pull up to close the piece of shit. Well, maybe you can if you aren't full screening, but I haven't tested it and have no plans of testing it. I mean, what the fuck.

    This game is so much fucking riddled with bugs it might as well be a fucking virus in itself. Especially again with the note on being unable to close the app normally without having to sign out of windows to close a fucking game that hard locks up and doesn't close at all(unless again you sign out of your user.)

    Like holy fuck. What the fuck?

    Okay, rambling aside.

    Yea, this game is dogshit.

    I feel sorry for patrons being fucking milked by this scam artist. I honestly wish there was a way to reach out to these people and tell them, 'hey, this fucking poser is scamming you of all your money.'
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this game a while back and then it was a buggy mess with very little content. I came back after while hoping that the bugs have been ironed out and to their credit they were. not all of them but the game didn't lock up every 5 minutes with some random error involving the colision or animations. What I didn't expect that not only has not much content been added but they decide to lock one of the characters behind a patreon wall. This wouldn't be a problem except the prior version I played didn't have that with that very character but it was also the straight option that they locked. Now, I'm willing to accept that the furry community is likely majority gay but when you make a game with both options and then lock one of them it says something negative about one of those two demographics regardless of how you spin it.

    Edit Version 0.7.3
    Still not getting any of the crashes or game breaking bugs that everyone else is but for some reason Sex scenes don't trigger outside the debug room anymore. You can get knocked over as much as you want but the enemies will just stand there until you get back up again.
    For some reason the Stage end points are at the begining of each stage now. Events don't trigger right and those flies are just as annoying as ever as they fly just out of reach.
    I don't know if I just didn't explore as much when i last played but there does seem to be more animations. Shame you can only trigger them in the debug room.