Yeah, I probably could have coded all this stuff better, but I'm still really stupid when it comes to all this stuff. Our thought process is people would only hang out and do stuff with the girls that they like. So if you like athena, you'd stay with her, if not you'd leave. If you like her, you'd play video games with her, if not you wouldn't. Later on in the code, when Athena asks if you're in relationship or not, if you stayed with Athena in her room and watched youtube videos with her and have 10+ relationship points with her, you'll officially be locked into her path there. If you didn't stay with Athena in her room and watch videos and don't have 10 or more relationship points, you'll get the option to start a relationship or put a stop to it all. The relationship points required are really close to the max amount of points with her possible at the time, meaning you have hung out with her a lot, which in our minds means you like her and want a relationship with her. We'll try to clean and clarify everything up in Chapter 4.
The way our game is structured, is you either pursue the girls you want or you just ignore them if you're not interested, their really is no middle ground with them.