Seventh Vixen
APR 5, 2021 AT 3:33 AM
Chapter 4 Spoiler Pic, Videos & Progress Notes.
-4k pic attached-
Hey there!
You know that I like to post when I had some nice spoiler to show or good news, and I don't update that much while I'm coding.
Thing is that nearly everyday for the past week I thought the release will be done the next day (taking in comparision my standard capacity to work from past years), so I keept delaying posting.. and not posted for a long time. So I took the chance to talk you about the progress and give you a spoiler from... Chapter 4! (As usual While coding I've been preparing future enviroments and scenes to take a break. I'm wishing to have some extra time after releasing this one and keep working on the public trailer with the Chapter 3 videos... But I really feel like pushing 0.20 forward)
Progress Notes:
I answer everyone that ask me but as the most of you don't ask, I update you all:
Since a week ago I thougth every day that I'm about to release 0.19 for testing. At my best this would have been usually just 20 hours of straight hard work and is out.
But basically I faced two problems:
Getting to Speed & Recovery
I started (or get back to 0.19) two weeks ago and Hasn't been the easiest getting back to speed with the coding. But a week ago finally I've been able to work on the engine more than 8 hours without blurry eyes (so yay!).
But there are no magic recoveries; Even then, after 10-20 hours my eyes get tired so I need to stop and sleep well and recover, and that doesn't play well with my working habits (this is a creative job anyways). So everytime I thought “yeah this takes two more days at maximum”, well, days pass and I just keep working.
Video Animations
-I had 8 months to make all my engine systems ready to work well before first release, Time that I don't have know that we're releasing “on schedule”, and the new Video Animation system has been giving me some mental pain. But also of course this is a new system for the rest of the game. (Same way in late Decemeber and January it took me 3 weeks to put in place the new system to save Vram and make it old-graphic-cards compatible)
Luckly I can say I'm getting the hang on it and when I start coding 0.20 I'll know all the tricks. One thing I can say; Animations are and will be better now, but well, it has took me time to make them work correctly.
And of course, it has taken me a lot of testing time 'cause there are around 20 animations in this small release (yes, same number as previous big release), and quality keeps improving.
So it has been Lots of testing and finding issues and going back to check where is the problem and test again and find (or caused) a new problem and go back and restart and finally find the better way to code them.
Anyways... Yes, I think the video animation system is 95% out of problems now.(There is a minor issue but testers will tell me what think of it... But I'm still trying to make it the better the possible)
I think (God Dammit) that is nearly ready, but with my daily feelings of past week about if it was ready or not I better don't say a thing x'D. So yeah, Beta will drop anytime soon.
Wish me luck and as always, Thanks for all your support, specially in these past months of problems!
PS: New computer works wonderful for fast and heavy work so as I keep recovering to full extent, working in 0.20 graphics is being a bless!