Seventh Vixen
OCT 10, 2020 AT 9:59 PM
Art update - Akros Manor Cellar
Pic: From the Akros Manor Extra scenes for 0.15... Not spoiling what these walls will witness! Introducing one of the the last scenarios inside the main Akros Manor building, the cellar.
Little Devlog:
-Still coding the mainstorypart bit to bit. I'm glad I've started to it code soon now more than a week ago because all the permutations of the mainstory code (all the little differences that have to be taken care of in rest of dialogue of all other scenes) make them in need to be carefully coded. It isn't going to make easier the last weeks of coding but I'm very glad to be having the time to code this with care.
-More progress rendering extra scenes!. By now at least 75% extra scenes are rendered or prepared to render, at least 50% fully finished ready to code, so that will allow me to take good care of final visual quality while I'm busy on the last weeks of coding. (Still more animations to render, but for now just preparing them for when I have to be hands depth just in the code)
-Made some workarounds to include some new engine features I was working on; I'll see how many made it into the game in this update.
I feel like the coding death march will start soon (probably by the end of this starting week, as every piece starts feeling to be on it's place. Lots of work yet awaits!
Next update probably some extra Baron's comission.
Oh... Tell me if you miss some monthly girl polls