Just a reminder for everybody about the upcoming update V0.5. This was Tim's exact statement on Patreon:
PS: a short delay to the update of BoTB v0.5, a week or two but it will be this month.
Tim never published to what those two weeks were relative. A lot of people seem to have assumed that it was relative to the moment he made this statement. But his plan could have been middle of January all along. Hey, the guy deserved some Christmas holiday too

. Then two week's delay would be end of the month. And that is what he said 'it will be this month'.
Edit: Tim made this statement on Patreon some hours ago:
A couple more days (which would make it two weeks exactly) at the most, I'm still struggling with the code as it's getting worse with every new day because of the dumb way I started coding this game! WIll definitely not make the same mistake with any future game!
And then it will be up to the $20 patrons as beta-testers what will happen next.