game is simple,
to farm, choose demonia ally with demonia and get the 20% def buff. whenever stuck, return and start a new story.
you can still burn minatour after getting his debuff which literal makes you deal 0 damage.
other char skill doesnt help as they can only be use once. Whenever enemy mino smash you are 99% fucked.
and with the 20% def, its likely you get hit with 0. unless android skill hit.
arts of the game makes me interested, but balancing of character is confusing.
a few thing i found after playing.
1.even if you ally up the character you use, after leveling the character the ally level wont change.
2.after leveling char to 20, you need red ruby to level them more but the way to obtain is not mention in game.
3.character skill description can only be seen after you select the char to play as main but you cant see it in the ally screen.
4.the first character have nude skin after certain progression that im not sure.
5. game required too much of grind and its probably very frustrating as you have very high chance to get hit by mino skill or android.
6. although the witch is blocked by patreon code, it still appear in slave search in my no patreon code run.
the game idea is good, art is attractive.
need to improve the quality of balancing.
also i didnt ran into any H scene, or it might be blocked as im not a patreon.
also, im playing from the online source.
some of my findings might be wrong, i only played it like 30 mins.