Dang. I come here with the intent to fap to 6 or 7 poorly rendered images acquired over 4 hours of no effort, no auto-dash, machine translated RPGMaker glitch-fest, while squinting into an 800x600 window -OR- a handful of quality images from a CGI set acquired through the classic *hold ctrl for 3 minutes, save game, pick option 1, hold ctrl for 4 minutes, load save, pick option 2* quest.
But no.
Here I stumble upon a damn well crafted, unique, quality game with actual potential and engaging gameplay. Not what I came here for >:[
How dare you, a community involved, responsive, talented developer with clear intentions of a project end-goal and regular meaningful updates, tease me with boobies and then make me realize what I have really been craving is more critical thinking and problem solving stimuli in my precious after work hours. I think you are my worst enemy right now, and I love you. Keep up the awesome work.
*super serious time*
Others have addressed most of my would-be complaints, so I only have one simple suggestion as of now. Would you please consider making the gosh darn highlighted current location on the mini map a different color or more bold? This will definitely sound selfish (because I guess it is), but colors and contrast are a huge deal for me in games as I have a type of colorblindness. While the rest of your game is so wonderfully vibrant, I can't see my location on the map for shit! I have to carefully note where I enter the map and navigate by counting the squares and the 2D movement animation throws me off a little when I select to move forward or back (North or South?)
I don't know if this is an issue in this specific case for anyone else because, many times, I'll see exactly what others see, while other times I can't help but feel crippled because certain colors are indistinguishable to me. I can see the bold corner effect of the current location on the map but I guess I just get frustrated not knowing if it looks like an obvious bullseye for other people and I sound whiny or if that shit is actually difficult for everyone to see.
Again, thank you for your work. I love seeing games of any kind built with real passion and intent.