Better save.needs cheats so badly
You have to loose to the large Kraken on the beach. In Rank 3 quests is quest to kill kraken. Get knocked down by it to get the Kraken scene, but i do believe its still bugged. And care where you get knocked down else you end up in slave arena.and when do we have scenes with those tentacly beasts at beach side? pls add some more device like the milking machine and monsters to have scene with them
exacly how do i get the quest for kraken and where should i get knocked cus i always die and get to slaveryYou have to loose to the large Kraken on the beach. In Rank 3 quests is quest to kill kraken. Get knocked down by it to get the Kraken scene, but i do believe its still bugged. And care where you get knocked down else you end up in slave arena.