Just saying... This guy on his Pateron is getting almost 1,200 .... for one release a year ! He has not even appeared here to defend himself. I understand life happens. But those who are paying need to know that circumstance. I do like the game, art and such... but I'll never give this guy anything. The release as a whole was fair ..... not good, definatly not great !
It is your prerogative to express your opinions, however negative, whether you "pay" or not...
But, it just seems like there's a bigger reality many on these forums seem unable to grasp...
Almost $1,200/month?

260 paid members, that's an average of ~$5/patron.
No big deal really... If people don't like it, they'll stop paying...
How long does it take to do a render?
Write the story? the code? etc. etc.
Hypothetically, because I only have a passing clue on the time demands (my son is learning to do similar work...)
Let's say it takes what, 1 hour/render to create, code, write, upload, etc. etc.?
700 renders, that's 700 hrs making this update.
He hasn't been getting $1,200/month over the past year, but lets say he did.
That's $14,400 for 700 hours worth of work...
That's $20.57/hr... Before taxes, expenses, etc., etc.
With that annual income, I can only presume the dev has a full-time job making a living and doing this as a hobby/side hustle...
52 weeks/year... 700 hrs, that's ~13.5 hrs/week
If someone has a full time job, family, etc, etc. ~13.5 hrs/week on a side hustle or hobby is a lot.
IDK, it all seems reasonable to me...
Considering all of that, why in the hell would the guy come here to "defend" himself on a forum where people get the game for "free" and not contributing to his hourly wage...

Why should he devote more of his "spare" time here responding, or to put updates out faster? Or at all?
If you like the game, getting it for free, the dev and supporters are doing you a favor...
You should probably be kissing their asses...
And as a $1/month patron myself, I have little to no complaints...
The day I feel it's no longer worth it, I'll give my whopping $12/year support to someone else, just as others are free to do...
Until then, I hope the Typist keeps plugging away at whatever pace he can manage so I (and you freeloaders...lol) can see more content with cuckquean Claire...
And to all the freeloaders...
You're welcome...