v. 0.3.10 Removal of energy and UI changes
Here's a new hot release for out little game! This time it's mostly mechanic and UI changes. I know I promised LGBT porn, and also we talked on Discord about some hot action with prostitutes in the park, but you have to wait longer for it. It's gonna come in one of the next updates.
One of the biggest feature here is removal of energy stat and changes in UI. I hope you guys will like it!
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1. Complete removal of energy stat from the game
One of the players suggested that the energy system is annoying. I thought about it and decided that he's right. I originally added the energy because I wanted the game to be kind of a "gonzo life simulator", where you can run around, do crazy stuff, and then collapse when out of energy, or maybe take some speed and go on. But it turned out very un-gonzo, because you had to keep monitor this energy, and it just wasn't fun.
Now the energy is gone. Instead there's additional period - "Late night". The way it works is that when you reach this period you have to go to sleep, because all the other buttons and options disappear (apart from exit and travel buttons).
Additionally, in the near future I'll change the way some effects work, so that if you take speed or drink a lot of coffee, you'll be actually still able to skip sleeping.
2. New stat bar
I've noticed that mobile players have problems tracking their progress in game, because they play with sidebar collapsed. So I decided that a better place for the stats will be not in the sidebar, but on the top of the screen.
Let me know if you'll notice any problems with it.
3. Buying sex positions with dom/love
So with the way the game is built, when the player goes too far into domination (or love) route, then multipliers change so much, that each point of domination he gets is multiplied by 2, and each point of love he gets is multiplied by 0.2 (and the other way around if he goes into love). This means it's very hard to go back to the more "balanced" situation, because players couldn't get enough points to level up.
In general it's the way I wanted it to be (you need to avoid the extremes to be true alpha), but the problem is - because domination and love had different sex positions, many players were unable to unlock all the positions in game, which made sex a bit boring.
This changes now. For example if you go into only domination path, after you max out all the domination positions, you will be able to unlock love sex positions while leveling up with domination (and the other way around for love obviously) - you just need sex encyclopedia to do so. I think this will help players get more fun out of the game.
Other changes
4. UI refresh
I went through the whole UI and adjusted the design (mostly colors) to make the game better looking, especially when played on mobile during the day.
5. Changes in effects
Because there's no energy now, I had to change the way some of the effects work:
- SugarRush will change your multipliers by: love*0.75 and domination*2.
- Fed will change your multipliers by: domination*0.75 and love*2.
- Hangover will change your multipliers by: domination*0.5 and love*0.5.
- SpeedyGonzales will change your multipliers by: domination*3 and love*0.5.
6. Turning on the audio in the vids
You now have a possibility to set the audio in the videos to be turned on by default. You do it in the game settings. Just remember that many of those videos have no audio at all, and those who do, were planned to be silent, so I'm unsure what actually you will hear up there
7. Changes in Sex encyclopedia
Sex encyclopedia is now more expensive, and you have to go to Daddy's to get it (it won't be available in the local store anymore).
Bug fixes
8. Another fix for Bridgette / Amia name mix up
I thought I fixed it last time, let's hope it's fixed this time
9. Dead end in Higher Power quest
When players wanted to buy sunglasses during "Higher Power" quest they often got stuck. Now it shouldn't happen.
10. Players getting stuck during urgent quests
If during urgent quest players clicked on the activity that was locked or marked as work in progress, they often get stuck. Now it shouldn't happen.