Oct 1, 2020
Will publish a save from someone who has already almost finish the game. We are planning to make a free cheat code (+ 1 for the 1$ patrons) for next update and upgrading the paid ones. We hope that it will make people less frustrated about those and give a boost for players who don't like starting from the beginning.
Understood, but I am still confused by how I am to actually play this game on my computer, rather than off of your website. When I downloaded the files in the past and then opened the files, nothing happen. I read the directions on this thread regarding how to play the files on my browser, but how is this different from just playing the game off your website? Won't all of my save states be lost once I close my browser? Hence my inquiry regarding the cheats. It just speeds the process up in attempting to see the updates, rather than replaying the intro over again and again. The grind is real if you can't take a break and return to the game at your own convenience.

I just want to know if I can set the download up as a click and play, rather than having to extract files and move them to this place and that place just to play on my computer. Can this game only be played on a web browser?

If my issue is singular to just me and one that should be ignored, then please let me know and I will stop bothering everyone with my computer ineptitude.

Again great game. I have no idea what the story is all about, but the porn clips and some of the scenarios are hot!

Thanks again, and sorry to bother.


Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Won't all of my save states be lost once I close my browser? (...) Can this game only be played on a web browser?
This is an html game. As konabwo noted above, it always requires opening an html file in a browser. Whether that file is stored on your machine or a website makes no difference.

The save games are stored as cookies in your browser by default. To ensure they're not lost, use the option to "Save to disk" to generate an offline save file (and "Load from disk" to restore it).

Thanks again, and sorry to bother.
No worries. Everyone has to learn this stuff at some point.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2018
Understood, but I am still confused by how I am to actually play this game on my computer, rather than off of your website. When I downloaded the files in the past and then opened the files, nothing happen. I read the directions on this thread regarding how to play the files on my browser, but how is this different from just playing the game off your website? Won't all of my save states be lost once I close my browser? Hence my inquiry regarding the cheats. It just speeds the process up in attempting to see the updates, rather than replaying the intro over again and again. The grind is real if you can't take a break and return to the game at your own convenience.

I just want to know if I can set the download up as a click and play, rather than having to extract files and move them to this place and that place just to play on my computer. Can this game only be played on a web browser?

If my issue is singular to just me and one that should be ignored, then please let me know and I will stop bothering everyone with my computer ineptitude.

Again great game. I have no idea what the story is all about, but the porn clips and some of the scenarios are hot!

Thanks again, and sorry to bother.
Except if you clean your browser cookies you won't loose your save with the online version, the other advantage is that you are able to play for free and without ads always on the latest version (we update it almost everyday with small fixes) and you don't need to download the 2.5gb in once which for some of our player with a slow internet is a real problem.

On the other hand, having it on your computer should offer better performances.


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
QoL talks.
indeed, qol interface is solid . almost omnipresent .
but i will talk about how ergonometric my experience was ...and what i think might be improved a bit

1. smartphone on the right
as i heavily rely on tips id prefer to avoid the phone going dark each time i relocate .
* it took some time to discover that when blackscreened, i need to do only 1 click (top right corner's progress button) instead of 2 (bottom power one)
-can the screen be made non-fading?...or having some sort of "lock" option so it would be constantly stay ON ...and perhaps on the last checked NPC page (to avoid +1 click on that NPC) as you may want to insta-monitor the progress after couple of available daily moves (also to avoid some scrolling if that NPC is in the end of list.)
-NPCs with completed quests. to hide or move to the list bottom. (and probably to remove from leftside location tracker)
-NPCs with pending quets. (depending on other quests progress) - to hide or move to the middle.
-maybe that is me but that bottom power button (and area around) is hypersensitive. meaning that when i want to go back to main phone screen in half of the cases phone goes dark (so +1click to have it lighted up)

2. options on the left window
as mostly i avoided using the phone for anything but hints i sometimes used fast travel on the left side menu
-i probably would add Office and Regional District there as well
* no phone's coast and mall options on the left side, but i rarely went to those locations so it is fine with me. had i been using the phone for the fast travel id benefit more from having the above two instead. ** also had phone's fast travel had smaller or no pictures of the locations it would help to avoid some scrolling...and to list more locations.

when u keep that left side fast travel menu observable (for further quick use, that is without scrolling first to reach it) u cannot see a time counter
-to add the time counter elsewhere. (to "copypaste" it somewhere lower on the left area, and|or on the right botton corner below the phone)

if most people are like me and utilize the phone for tips mostly
-would be more comfy to have +1h and skipday options near the time counter (otherwise u cannot have both tips and time-tweaks at your disposal simultaneously)

also as there is some geotracking on the left some people may want to [im bad with names, so of not much use to me]
-have those "disclosed" locations clickable for insta-relocating
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3. sexapp
so there are three places to launch it (phone,leftside,bedroom) and i d prefer to know if the girl is offline beforehand
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4. time tweaks
i havenot figured out if going backwards in time works for completing tasks for 2+ NPCs during the same hours.
i checked only two times and first time i think it worked for both NPCs (though it might have been non-progression related interaction. just generic location related chitchat)
* also visually - NPCs 'heads' dont move back (that is, heads are kept being shown on their latest in time reached location). i cannot call it inconsistency given that im not sure if that sort of time tweaking was taking into account at all.
but second time i did it with 2 teacher NPCs (2 interlapping lesson / 2 highlighted rooms) and i had only one quest-interaction completed

-- generally on hints (no action required ;] )
i saw locations being highlighted when meaningful interaction is expected... def was of help to my brainless clicking
so there is no need to advise similar approach (like highlighting NPC heads, which maybe harder due to those +1 indicators on the locations, unless the game would prioritize and show 'heads' of interactable npcs first, and irrelevants as +1 on the location pics)

probably most comfy approach would be a chronological table on the left {npc_name , that time-day, that place} instead of geolocation listing. surely i dont expect that.
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 9, 2018
Lmao said like that yeah it sounds like trolling, but believe it or not we are still trying to balance her because we have so much complaints about how difficult it is to increase her motivation. We are still planning to publish when we are done with content wise updates, new content which will be "subsidiary quests" that should reduce the grind greatly. But at the moment we are mainly focusing on increasing the quantity of content and fetishes since it's what polls ask us to do first. We are still trying to find new ways of reducing the grind but it seems almost impossible without making everything "quest steps" which would require us a ton of work and then adding new content would take a lot of time.
It's all good. :) I think the two things tie together: Part of the reason the grind is so noticeable now is the valleys where there's not much else to do than click through days (building a specific stat, waiting for a specific event trigger for the teachers, or for Erika's timer to go down): Having more side content to explore during those times would probably lessen the frustration (if it's not just introducing even more mindless clicks).


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2018
QoL talks.
indeed, qol interface is solid . almost omnipresent .
but i will talk about how ergonometric my experience was ...and what i think might be improved a bit

1. smartphone on the right
as i heavily rely on tips id prefer to avoid the phone going dark each time i relocate .
* it took some time to discover that when blackscreened, i need to do only 1 click (top right corner's progress button) instead of 2 (bottom power one)
-can the screen be made non-fading?...or having some sort of "lock" option so it would be constantly stay ON ...and perhaps on the last checked NPC page (to avoid +1 click on that NPC) as you may want to insta-monitor the progress after couple of available daily moves (also to avoid some scrolling if that NPC is in the end of list.)
-NPCs with completed quests. to hide or move to the list bottom. (and probably to remove from leftside location tracker)
-NPCs with pending quets. (depending on other quests progress) - to hide or move to the middle.
-maybe that is me but that bottom power button (and area around) is hypersensitive. meaning that when i want to go back to main phone screen in half of the cases phone goes dark (so +1click to have it lighted up)

2. options on the left window
as mostly i avoided using the phone for anything but hints i sometimes used fast travel on the left side menu
-i probably would add Office and Regional District there as well
* no phone's coast and mall options on the left side, but i rarely went to those locations so it is fine with me. had i been using the phone for the fast travel id benefit more from having the above two instead. ** also had phone's fast travel had smaller or no pictures of the locations it would help to avoid some scrolling...and to list more locations.

when u keep that left side fast travel menu observable (for further quick use, that is without scrolling first to reach it) u cannot see a time counter
-to add the time counter elsewhere. (to "copypaste" it somewhere lower on the left area, and|or on the right botton corner below the phone)

if most people are like me and utilize the phone for tips mostly
-would be more comfy to have +1h and skipday options near the time counter (otherwise u cannot have both tips and time-tweaks at your disposal simultaneously)

also as there is some geotracking on the left some people may want to [im bad with names, so of not much use to me]
-have those "disclosed" locations clickable for insta-relocating
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3. sexapp
so there are three places to launch it (phone,leftside,bedroom) and i d prefer to know if the girl is offline beforehand
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4. time tweaks
i havenot figured out if going backwards in time works for completing tasks for 2+ NPCs during the same hours.
i checked only two times and first time i think it worked for both NPCs (though it might have been non-progression related interaction. just generic location related chitchat)
* also visually - NPCs 'heads' dont move back (that is, heads are kept being shown on their latest in time reached location). i cannot call it inconsistency given that im not sure if that sort of time tweaking was taking into account at all.
but second time i did it with 2 teacher NPCs (2 interlapping lesson / 2 highlighted rooms) and i had only one quest-interaction completed

-- generally on hints (no action required ;] )
i saw locations being highlighted when meaningful interaction is expected... def was of help to my brainless clicking
so there is no need to advise similar approach (like highlighting NPC heads, which maybe harder due to those +1 indicators on the locations, unless the game would prioritize and show 'heads' of interactable npcs first, and irrelevants as +1 on the location pics)

probably most comfy approach would be a chronological table on the left {npc_name , that time-day, that place} instead of geolocation listing. surely i dont expect that.
1. You're not the first one to ask that we remove the blackscreen by default so we will remove it for next update.
- NPCs with completed quests : No
-NPCs with pending quets: No
Why no: because some people like to be able to track them even with quest finished to get all the subsidiary content.
-Never happened to me

2. We will do that for the fast travel.

About time counter / fast travel being avaible all the time will try to think about a solution.

- Will also think about : skipday and + 1 hour being near the time counter
-Girl's locations being clickable... that might be difficult to make but we'll try

3. Sexapp: In next update all girls will be online all the time (more realist (feminist alert)).

4. For the time tweaks and generally on hints will discuss it with the rest of the team.


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
NPCs with pending/completed quests : No
i see, let me paraphrase then. to add an option of hiding [_] &or moving [V]
thus it will not affect those who dont opt for this.
guess it will require show all button elsewhere as well (to not to keep that emerged vacant space just blank as located below active npc should take it ...plus some people may misclick or click just to check that function and need to undo)
also or alternatively there can be some visual &or textual indication of the npc status
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some people like
i probably would also want to get all the scenes ...but after i finish with quests/narrative...
About time counter / fast travel being avaible all the time will try to think about a solution.
good. they are available ofc just not observable simultaneously when i stare at left fast travel. (as scrolled too far down)
i d probably prefer to see the timer (&+1h/1d) on the left.
though there is already a free space on the right-bottom corner (right side scrolling affects it) or have it both. wouldn't be inconsistent with game's approach to have some sort of doubling qol functionality.

* time tweaks
worked night shift, ended at 22. tweaked to 21:58 to visit sauna .. both carla and tammy quest progressed. i think even faces moved to appropriate position.
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Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
back to the quests Q
how to message Alice over SexApp - i have just return button that was tricky one. needed to find a button at home bedroom after some restroom action
typical wendsday in the game ;}
decided to check time tweaks again. ended interaction with lee at 12. made 11:58. didnot work. used back arrow, made 8:02. didnot work
so i think it has something to do with lessons extened time periods and-or relevant scripting.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2018
Seem to be stuck on Tammy quest 4/6, it says talk to mother at work, but nothing progresses.

here's the solution:

back to the quests Q
how to message Alice over SexApp - i have just return button that was tricky one. needed to find a button at home bedroom after some restroom action
typical wendsday in the game ;}
View attachment 919758
decided to check time tweaks again. ended interaction with lee at 12. made 11:58. didnot work. used back arrow, made 8:02. didnot work
so i think it has something to do with lessons extened time periods and-or relevant scripting.
Will discuss all your suggestions with the rest of the team, we may not give you an answer but you'll probably see a few if not all your suggestions in future updates. I'm saying this because due to the amount of daily messages we tend to forgot to answer some but we always make notes and reference suggestions, bugs, ...



So don't worry if we do not answer some of your guys messages we are always reading and taking everyone's opinion into account.


Engaged Member
Sep 19, 2020
nw, i was in a mood to share my thoughts especially given that some fair amount of attention was already paid to qol component; so i reasonably assumed that u may want to know what works not to its fullest potential.

oh, tried skipday option for the first time...bit slow prolly due to lots of colorful pictures...and then after 2-3 days of skip it stopped working (offline version) ...so i just used 'sleep' in bedroom

ressources/scene/dean/beach.jpg - that one was full sized

... Q
will some npc be unlocked or is it just a placeholder?

k . i finished quests
though what is kate's POOL QUEST: 0 or lucy's LIBRARY QUEST: 0 ? (progress,leftside)
and some new points or scores mentioned when picking girls after the final exam
galleries... mom - i am missing like 9 out of 22 interactions... mission impossible... were i driven to unlock em all...id needed some walktrhough schedules or direct hints, scene 1 - x place y time.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2018
I noticed the 0.7.2 patch is reporting itself as 0.7.1 on the first screen.
I had already finished uploading when we noticed. It takes 2 hours for me to upload the game so we decided to keep it like this.


Feb 15, 2019

here's the solution:

Will discuss all your suggestions with the rest of the team, we may not give you an answer but you'll probably see a few if not all your suggestions in future updates. I'm saying this because due to the amount of daily messages we tend to forgot to answer some but we always make notes and reference suggestions, bugs, ...


View attachment 920038

So don't worry if we do not answer some of your guys messages we are always reading and taking everyone's opinion into account.
Looked at the post you quote for the correction, but don't actually see anything to correct, html seems fine at both line 32456 and 29898
3.60 star(s) 43 Votes