Oh, hey, I remember this game. It was... Not good. I mean, I like bugs, but this was just... Really uninspired, from what I recall. The game's mechanics weren't the worst in the world, but they really didn't do anything with them; it was pretty clear that they were just an excuse for the H content, which was pretty basic outside of the fetish. This was made worse by the unpolished nature of the game - it wasn't a broken mess or anything, but there were noticeable bugs of the bad sort, and the slow movement speed made it painfully obvious that they didn't playtest it, or else someone would have mention how unfun they made it.
Overall, you've probably seen everything worth seeing after ten minutes - actually completing the game is just an exercise in wasting time. Though I think I remember something about the ending revealing that she wasn't actually a bee at all, just a bee cosplayer? It's been a few years, and I don't particularly care, so I might be mixing up my games.
If you're looking for a good action game, there are literally dozens of better games - even if you're specifically looking for bugs, JK Hazard was a better game, and released a year earlier. And if you're just looking for bugs in general, that's what Black Cyc is for. If you're looking for bugs specifically from 2015 for some super-specific reason, パピヨンHELL was a better game, even if I wouldn't call that one terribly good either.
All of that said, it's not bad, per se; those ten minutes won't be a waste of your time if that sort of thing appeals to you. Just be aware that you're not missing anything if you quit after playing with the spiders, and it's certainly not the sort of game that can be enjoyed outside of the sex appeal.
...All of that said, what's with the random old mediocre games being translated into English recently? I mean, I get that something like this is super-fast to translate, but wouldn't they see a better return translating something more recent?...