Flash - Completed - Behind the Dune [v2.36.2] [David Balsamique]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Moist As The Seas of Caladan
    I gave four stars to show some semblance of fairness but I cannot think of a single complaint I have with this game.
    The story matches the book better than any film yet it's not stretched out (heh) at all. You find a lot of filler in smut games. Not here. The text is witty, charming, and most importantly BREIF
    The grind? Pretty much non existent. Plenty of exciting content spaced (heh) evenly throughout the game.
    You can judge the art for yourself. No bait and switch here. What you see is what you get.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a little gem.
    As a fan from the original Dune game (Cryo) I really enjoyed it !
    Graphics and animations are good.
    Storyline is correct.
    I didn't notice any bugs.
    There are multiple endings and this is very appreciable.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1223451

    Really amazing game, the nostalgia hits hard with this one, super nice art in my opinion that draws you in, great scenes and the story is fun and interesting to see through, there are multiple choices from what I remember and have replayed as of now but I'm not sure if it affects what happens in the actual story, a must play game and for sure one the best flash games out there.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Smoothly animated scenes with multiple characters and in multiple scenarios. Very engaging gameplay. Actually kept me at night when i should have gone to sleep 3 hours prior. Meaningful choices.

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 4.5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 5/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Listen, I`ve played alot of games. And this one is just very good and worth downloading. It's a bit short, but the scenes are nice, the plot is better than the usual porn game plot... Just trust me, play it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    I dont get why some give it such high ratings,the game is not much in terms of gameplay or even scenes,sure the art is pretty but doesnt justify it at all.

    The story is boring and doesnt make much sense,like for example: Dicktor (pun intended) uses a poison to kill you but hits your mother and she survives though magical plot armor,she is found out and you just spank her and she is back in your employ and party.

    Father and security guy are killed in a raid,just like that,you have to travel all around to do practically nothing but just click generic dialogue which sucks.

    Few scenes that are generic,repetitive and meh overall.

    Few items and ways to use them,much traveling for few gain,characters are shallow badly,like you just have to answer 3 questions to get a random woman you dont know as concubine,too much plot armor overall and weird things like having sex with the female captain that killed your father and choking her to death with your penis,this is in the game no joke.

    + Many assets and character models and traits are copy and pasted from his other game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not familiar with the plot of Dune, so maybe a lot of references passed me by, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the game! A variety of girls are shown from the best sides, partly in standard poses, partly in unique events. Cool illustrations are complemented by good animations. The game almost never forces you to grind resources and allows you to display the next target on the map as part of the current mission. Very cool, I did not expect that a game that occupies less than 50 megabytes will give so much juicy content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This was really good. Played through 3 times already, even with the in-game gallery unlock option.
    Cheat option was a really good option for persons who not into grinding.
    Really good art for such a small filesize.
    Would definitely recommend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A very fun game, quite short but it manages to both do an erotic parody and hit quite well most major plot points of the book. It was amusing to see the scenes with Irulan begging for Spice (and a good idea to include her since her history paragraphs from the book wouldn't really work in a game).
    Also it was nice to have this game to pass some time before the Dune part 2 movie.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Considering how pervy Frank Herbert got as the series went on, this game is actually a rather amazing tribute I think he would have enjoyed himself. As someone who truly loved the series growing up I know I love it. Hope this keeps going and drawing on the world as even a true Herbert nerd appreciates the details. Overall just so well done in every aspect.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    God I love this game so much. It is a damn hot game, one of the best ones on this site and the only one I ALWAYS come back when an update drops. I can't believe how small the file size is compared to how much content it has.

    Truly a work of porn art. The parody aspect of it is on point, the art is simply amazing, animations are fluid and characters are good and varied. Truly a gem in its own right. On every upcoming update and David Balsamique game coming, I'm there everytime.

    The game gives you enough power progressively to keeps you interested and to explore its mechanics. It also features different scenes and endings depending on your actions and choises, it even has extra content and different locations to find stuff on. It never feels empty nor senseless to explore and interact with every character.

    TL;DR: one of the best games in here. Try it out, it is quick and delivers. Great art, good animations.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Played it long ago.

    -Story, Originality

    The plot is pretty basic and nearly identical to the source book/film, but with h-variation.
    Still feels unfinished.

    The art is cool, drawn one.

    Some music plays in the background and it is enough.
    As far as I remember there were some basic h-sounds too.

    You can finish it probably in 1 hour and see most of the h-scenes.
    If you know what and where to look for.

    While playing the game I had flash-game vibes and it felt good.
    And no lag of course.

    Didn't see any.

    Similar to flash games, smooth and pleasant.

    -Voice Acting
    Didn't even remember if there were any.

    Didn't find any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    After so many years there is a big amount of h-scenes and content.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The greatest Flash H game you will ever play. Lady Jessica is a top tier MILF. The artist style is one of the greatest I've ever seen. To this date the developer is still adding new content. Give it a try! Specially if you are into M&S Wincest.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is also known as:
    How I learned the plot of Dune
    10/10 plot with extra plot

    Sandworm management simulator


    Behind the Dune is a visual novel-point and click adventure-management flash game. You progress through the story like a VN, click to move around areas, find story items hidden in areas, and mine spice while avoiding sandworms.

    It's a flash game with a shit ton of content. Lots of scenes, and the gameplay isn't that bad either. Give it a try even if you're not interested in Dune, you won't regret it.

    There's only one save file. There are many plot choices you can make.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    For a game this small this game has tons of content to explore and a branching plot line with multiple endings. Thats unheard of in many games. Yet this beast of a game only has 60 MB or so yet you can play it for hours. The only thing I would change is that 1 save slot we have on our disposal. With game this rich in choices its a crime not to have more save slots.

    This game has animations. Sex scenes. Plot and very good looking characters. All you could wish for from a game and it has little to no memory needed for it to run. No gigabytes of download needed for hours of content. Its the most compact and content packed erotic game I ever seen. MB to CONTENT ratio is insane. I really wish all erotic games collectors give it a try. It is one of the best 2D erotic games ever created.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    cannot tell anyone this is how i learned the plot to dune which is a shame cause this is super fun and well animated. lots of characters, interesting scenes, good writing, not frustrating to play. hope to see more games like this
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game as is. The scenes are enjoyable and you can progress pretty straight-forwardly. If there were more music options to select from, that would be nice but overall good game. Characters are written alright
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art-style game, with little oversimplified gameplay.
    Different bodies are fine drawn in 2D Flash.
    The graphics of each location and environment are well depicted too.
    There is great fun in playing this game.

    Game looks is almost finished, but really looking forward to the next update!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Suitable for a fap session.

    Surprisingly long for a flash game and a very good one at that.

    It's very tiny, at 21MB, and it delivers the good stuff quickly.

    Do take a close look at the monitor in the first room of the palace and turn off a possibly undesirable feature.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Even when Flash is old and discontinuos, this game has very good looking art, comic style but modelos are hoy and gameplay can extend for a few hours if you want ti unlock the 100% if scenes. The spice mining doesnt have the clearest mechanics but despiste that you have here an amazing game un small size with hidden quests, bonus scenes, varios endings, etc. 5 stars.
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