Flash - Completed - Behind the Dune [v2.36.2] [David Balsamique]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game could be a 5 star game but after 4 and a half years of development and the endings being in the game for a good while now the Dev absolutely refuses to do a Jessica ending outside of dream sequences even though everyone here in this forum and on his discord and patreon tell him every update they want that in the game. Its a smack in the face to everyone that supports him and now with the "dream sequence" added it is almost troll like to do this to us. 1 star
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good art and animation, a lot of characters and scenes.
    Gameplay is not too stale, game can be rushed for the scenses or enjoyed as a game.
    Dialogue is fine and makes sense most of the time.
    World feels authentic.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all I love Dune, I read all bookss, etc.

    Morover I'm a perv, you see I'm on this forum not for the technical par of game development...

    This game have an interresting gameplay, there is ressource management, a story.

    Arts are greats.

    For me this game is a masterpiece.

    Pro :

    - Story
    - Game mechanices
    - Arts

    Cons :

    - Don't know... Maybe Flash, I prefer Unity, but the gale is very good.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version [v2.27]

    + Excellent art style which makes the characters look amazing
    + Good CG
    + Plenty of woman to have sexy time with
    + Story is actually good and helps fit your immersion into the game
    + Multiple endings
    + Straight forward and not confusing

    * Most of the girls have the same body style
    * You can get straight to the sexy times but not much build up

    - Relatively short, for my first playthrough without rushing anything it was about an hour and a half
    - Gathering spice is tedious and boring. Constantly moving them around and collecting them for a short game is kind of useless. This mechanic would be fine if the game was longer or more open world setting.

    Its a great game but felt as if it could've done more and added more content. The story helps you fit into the world and immerse yourself. The woman are fantastic and CG is great. Only downfall that hinders the game as of now is how short it is. I feel like the dev could've done more but overall good game but not perfect.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the graphics, I love that I can fuck MC's mom and cum inside her again and again every chance I get in front of everyone. I love that I can fuck my father's wife. I want to fuck and creampie all women in this beautiful game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    raunchy naughty and throughly satisfying.
    no long drawn out story lines or dialogues. you can start teasing and perving around from the beginning. sexy game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of erotic games, particularly strategy titles, have difficulty balancing the porn with the gameplay. Make the gameplay too complicated, and the game is boring. If the gameplay is nonexistent, however, there's no substance to keep the player interested.

    This game balances that line perfectly. There's a strategy element there that you can pay attention to, but at the same time, if you want to ignore it entirely and focus on the porn scenes, which are excellently illustrated by Balsamique, you can. This game rules. Plus, if you're a fan of Dune, there are plenty of references and tidbits here to reward those with knowledge of the franchise.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Has some incredibly hot scenes, though I wish there were more, specifically with the Fremen. The artstyle is such that it's super hot until you cum, and then you can't even look at it, or yourself in the mirror for that matter.
    Haven't read the original so I can't comment on whether it's accurate to the source material. It is on my list though.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Short but awesome game with amazing art direction. Really enjoyed the whole thing! The artwork was just awesome compared to the usual fare around here and the scenes were quite hot. Not an incredibly complex setup but well worth your time.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Update: Dropping my rating a star. It's still a good game it's just often now I barely notice the small changes in updates.

    It's an amazing combination of game play, unique and sexy art style, content from what's done to diversity in characters, and true to the material being parodied.

    LoL also the Dev may never, ever be done with it. (He definitely likes the source) so more just keeps getting added.

    It's simple to play, gives an almost fully open gallery if you don't want to, it's got a fun core by a dev that lives within his limits.

    In a remarkably small file size package.

    Overall, one of the best adult games out there right now.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game all around. The art and animations are top notch. The story branches are interesting and makes sense. Development time is good. The content could be a bit more since the game is 4 years in development but no major complains. Good luck to the developer :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    been playing Behind the Dune for ages, since probably v1, adnd it is still my favourite game on F95, its just the art and the very simple plot that keeps me happily restarting the game over and playing through it all again for the new content and old.
    10/10 would wank again!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very entertaining short and good looking game in the dune universe. The story is loosely based on the first Dune book, but characters are slightly altered to make them more sexy and enjoyable. I'm looking forward to future updates as this game is still not completely finished.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    David Goujard's work is fantastic. Very hot women (especially if you're a boob connoisseur like myself), hot scenarios, excellent story - though the credit on that one goes to Frank Herbert.

    I love sci-fi and women with big tits and this delivers. The gamey elements (primarily, if not solely, the spice harvesting) feel unnecessary but the rest is great. The dialogue is witty and humorous, and the twists on the tale are handled in a mostly believable way.

    Literally the only thing I'd change is more content. I'm excited to see what he does with the new Dune movie. Do yourself a favor and PLAY THIS GAME! SUPPORT THE DEVELOPER!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    French touch never disappoint ^

    I loved the book and i love this game.

    The women are so beautiful and the story is like the real one, the humor is good.

    31,8 Mo of good stuf.

    Perfect for fap.

    The game is finish but polished with update.

    For me it's the best game on the Dune universe, a masterpiece.


    You can be proud
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my new favourite games if not the favourite one,i do not know how i did not discovered it sooner,an amazing game with an original story,gorgeous renders,without any grammar mistakes so far as i can tell and it is very simple to play wich i like the most,amazing characters and it already has a very decent content,but i expect much more to come.Excellent work,keep it up!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: 4 Stars
    The story and dialogue is pretty funny and sets a good atmosphere for casual enjoyment. It's fun to see how the NPCs react to different objects, people and situations. If you aren't big on story or dialogue, I have good news for you. Most of it is short and to the point.

    Gameplay: 3 Stars
    I have to admit, the whole spice gathering mechanic is kinda annoying in that a lot of it relies on luck and waiting. While we can still cheat it to a degree, we do get bottlenecked by the mission where we have to have pretty much get perfect yields over the course of five days in order to progress further.

    Art: 5 Stars
    While the animations are rather simple, the art's admittedly good looking and consistent. Might not seem like much, but a lot of games I see here go through "dead" periods of simply replacing outdated art.

    Further comments:
    While I do agree that development is somewhat slow, to me, the game already felt complete when I played it a year or two ago. All these new additions are nice and non-intrusive to what already exists. With these two new characters added and the code rewritten, I'd hope that there's more content coming our way.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    This is an incredibly well made game. Excellent game design, great art, intuitive features. Very easy to understand and fast to get to H scenes. Hope the developer continues to work on because it is a delight and nothing else really needs to be said..
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    hi guys this review is for v2-20

    - character designs is soo good
    - animation of characters and cutsense is very good
    - The number of characters is enough to make the game enjoyable
    - dialogues is good
    - porn senses is good
    - the game have switch for turn of porn content
    - the game have gallery in the menu and this good for see the all senses and enjoy :D


    - this game have character with under 18 age and this is bad for nfsw content
    - story line is to short
    - the game play system is too simple
    - the game have some bugs and must be fixed

    Although the game has a lot of problems but the score I gave is right
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art based on a brilliant game (Dune)

    The game offers a minimized version of the original Dune game released on MS DOS. This version contains an alternative story line to intertwine the interesting content it offers. The art in this is very good with different scenes suiting different fetishes