I decided to create paintings inspired by a short story idea. I hope you like them. Although the replicas are separate, I didn't have the strength to process each picture individually.
Amidst this scorching heat, people are feeling increasingly restless. Even renowned visual novelists have taken their vacations, causing delays in the development of some episodes of our favorite game. All of these factors contribute to a sense of unease, and it becomes crucial to address and clarify certain matters.
Bella:Hi, Jill. You mentioned it was urgent.
Jill: "......I always considered you a close friend Bella."
Jill: You have completely disregarded all sorts of boundaries !!!
Bella:.....what the fuck ?!?
Jill: You have no future, bitch !!!
Jill: Tremolo is mine, so learn your lesson, librarian.
I decided to create paintings inspired by a short story idea. I hope you like them. Although the replicas are separate, I didn't have the strength to process each picture individually.
Amidst this scorching heat, people are feeling increasingly restless. Even renowned visual novelists have taken their vacations, causing delays in the development of some episodes of our favorite game. All of these factors contribute to a sense of unease, and it becomes crucial to address and clarify certain matters.
Well well. I didn't expect that. I don't know if I should feel flattered that someone is using my work. Even the guy has made a thread and is collecting opinions