Okay, but it's still confusing though.It's pretty clear that she is self-deluding herself to continue to do the things she has to do. She wants to be with someone and be loved, in this case, our MC but she is ashamed and appalled by her current way of life. But, she has to do it and she is moved by her unwavering conviction. If you "roll" with her and continue to do so when she concludes with what she has to do she will be 200% into the relationship, even more so than now.
Because it seemed like she was very protective of other girls. Strongly disproves of what Quinn is doing to the sisters. Slaps the jock for slutshaming Cathy. Tries to help Josy's chances with MC (unaware that Josy is in a relationship). Wants to get her girls at the Pink Rose better deals on drugs with 0 interest in charging them extra. The list goes on about how much she supports other girls, that was just a few of many examples. It's been like a defining characteristic of her.
And then all of a sudden she is obsessed with status and power which suggests to me that she wants to be better than all the other girls. Just feels like these two things contradict one another. It would be like Elena suddenly becoming obsessed with status and power.