
Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Yes but what should Troy not mention? That the MC did not beat him? Doesn't make sense somehow. :unsure:
That's just a very, very common figure of speech (i.e. no hidden meaning).

The mc's "Don't mention it" is in response to Troy saying "Sorry" for bumping into him.

It's a response that is more than just accepting someone's apology or thanks, it means there's no need to apologise or thank you for whatever it is that happened.

In this case the mc is saying there's no need for Troy to apologise for a little bump in the cafeteria.

He's definitely not giving him instructions to not mention some other secret or whatever.
Jan 30, 2021
That is Why I think, letting Jill face with a little reality , might actually will have a positive effect on her.
If the Tybalt arc lead her to eventually Kick him in the nuts , and combine this with The fact that She realize there are other Girls out there who want who she want, could have a great inpact on her character. as Bella said, She need to find her Voice, and once she does, lord have Mercy on others.:devilish::ROFLMAO:

She is Fucking Hot, She Rich and Powerful, Yeah, She has extremely lot potential.(y)

Took me a while to find it, but Just look at her. :love:.
i wanna like this 100 times ... fix this f95 !!!
Jan 30, 2021
That's just a very, very common figure of speech (i.e. no hidden meaning).

The mc's "Don't mention it" is in response to Troy saying "Sorry" for bumping into him.

It's a response that is more than just accepting someone's apology or thanks, it means there's no need to apologise or thank you for whatever it is that happened.

In this case the mc is saying there's no need for Troy to apologise for a little bump in the cafeteria.

He's definitely not giving him instructions to not mention some other secret or whatever.

no way ... mc swings both ways . he's been banging troy when they lived together and now
when bella is around he tells him not to mention it ....

just my theory it all adds up the number on mayas microwave is 13 that means ... :ROFLMAO:
(why do i waste my time trolling i got stuff to do... ? )


Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
So, a question for you guys since we were on the Jill topic. Do you think Jill will finally let herself and her fears go and touch MC's hand in Ep 8? Holding it would be asking too much so I won't be that hard on her :WeSmart:


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Do you have a lot of friends who like to lie openly topless in your bed. If so, you have great friends. :sneaky:

That said, you're probably right. All these teaser previews are just that, big teases. Riona and Quinn did fuck all with Sage and the mc (man I was looking forward to his birthday foursome teased by that episode 7 preview), so why would the promise of this new preview be any more rewarding.

The only thing bigger than the mc's cock is his fucking heart. :rolleyes:

Can you imagine having had a concurrent sexual relationship with two girls who turn out to already be in a relationship with each other and then they turf you out, and then in order to facilitate the growth of their relationship you leave them to fuck in your bed while you sleep on your couch?!

If that happens, the mc better be around the corner getting a rim job from Quinn while Sage is blowing him...
Honestly if it would dial down the drama and help the two of them cheer up, I'd be happy to loan them the MC's bed even if he were excluded this time. I'm willing to play the long game.

That said, I doubt it will come to that. It seems extremely likely the MC will be involved in that scene; even if there is a strictly lesbian version for the friendship path, I doubt they would be casually topless in front of him. Or so scrunched up on one side of the bed for that matter.

Of course just because the scene involves the MC doesn't mean it's guaranteed to go off without a hitch. It would be just like DPC to start a threesome scene only to have it burst into flames if the MC made the "wrong" choices leading up to it and the girls wind up getting jealous of each other. That's what I'd worry about if I weren't trying to remain steadfastly optimistic and patient for the next... long period of time. :cautious:

Oh, and while we're on the subject of previews, I think it's worth pointing out that Quinn and Riona did nothing with the MC in that Ep7 preview because he was literally fucking Sage at the time! I don't think I can count that as a tease.

Not just that, how many people do you know that would invite someone else to have sex in their bed? Shit, I hope they at least have the courtesy to change the sheets!
Maybe Josy can lend him her pink sheets. You know, just in time for Patrick's surprise visit to see Maya's former roommate...
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Sep 22, 2018
It's time for a theory again.
You may have noticed that Josy applied lotion during the first sex in EP7. If not see spoiler. At the edge of the running down sperm the actual skin color of Josy comes to light. Also, the glans from the MC looks dyed somehow.

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2. in EP5 we learn from Sarah that there is a Crabs lotion. Does Josy perhaps have Crabs? If so, from whom? Arieth is a possibility. In Ep5 Hangout we learn from Josy that Arieth wants to teach Josy everything. In EP7, we see a dildo on the wall in Arieth's room. Derek is a second possibility. How now Derek? Don't worry, Josy didn't, as far as I know, fuck Derek. Derek didn't fuck with Arieth either. But in EP4, when the MC is sleeping at Derek's, you can see shaving cream and a razor on Derek's shelf in the freeroam event.
Derek fucked Arieth in a threesome wit Jacob. That's why he have the cream. Remember just before the Mona&Camilla slap scene, when Jacob told Derek to check his cock and Derek replies he is checking it everyday


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
We could be Evil Together, and corrupt Jill :devilish::ROFLMAO:
Yo, Fucking Leave her !
You think she might need to dye her hair, get a few tatts, wear stiletto heels and walk around naked to make her more interesting?
All credit goes to Tshaw17 (y)
This is the worst thing that I have ever seen...I am super disappointed. ಠ_ಠ
She is Fucking Hot, She Rich and Powerful, Yeah, She has extremely lot potential.(y)

Took me a while to find it, but Just look at her. :love:.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
It's time for a theory again.
You may have noticed that Josy applied lotion during the first sex in EP7. If not see spoiler. At the edge of the running down sperm the actual skin color of Josy comes to light. Also, the glans from the MC looks dyed somehow.

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I have three theories about this.
1. (Twins) In the flashback of Josy and Maya, Josy says that she once sold Strawberries. Thereby she sat in the fresh air, could listen to music and got nice brown. Maybe Josephine put on some tanning lotion to fool the MC.
2. in EP5 we learn from Sarah that there is a Crabs lotion. Does Josy perhaps have Crabs? If so, from whom? Arieth is a possibility. In Ep5 Hangout we learn from Josy that Arieth wants to teach Josy everything. In EP7, we see a dildo on the wall in Arieth's room. Derek is a second possibility. How now Derek? Don't worry, Josy didn't, as far as I know, fuck Derek. Derek didn't fuck with Arieth either. But in EP4, when the MC is sleeping at Derek's, you can see shaving cream and a razor on Derek's shelf in the freeroam event. Derek asks the MC once in the gender studies whether he prefers a shaved or hairy pussy. In EP5 Josy explicitly says that she has just shaved. In the Freeroam event, the MC can also kick Ron the Peeping Tom through the door. Then a guy runs after Ron and Arieth is suddenly standing in the doorway. What if the guy or Arieth once borrowed Derek's shaving kit. Unofficially, of course. After that, maybe Josy used it.
3. I looked at the sleeping behavior of the LI's and the MC. I noticed that Sage sleeps to the right of the MC, as does Jill. Josy sleeps only once to the right of the MC. And that is in EP4, when all three (Josy, Maya, MC) sleep in one bed. Maya always sleeps to the left of the MC. Since I'm not a Bella fan, I don't have Bella's sleeping patterns in mind. In EP4, when the MC goes to sleep in Maya's bed, there might be a clue that could give away what might happen while she sleeps. There is a difference between screenshot 1 and 2. A small white spot. See spoiler.

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In Ep7 after the party, Josy and the MC have sex. Josy is lying to the left of the MC. The MC has his eyes closed the whole time. I thought at first Josy was too. But after I increased the exposure, I could see that Josy had her eyes open at least once. Josy also thanked the MC. The MC says that he feels really rested. Did he perhaps not get that he had sex with Josy? Is the MC instead of a sleepwalker a sleepfucker? What I also find strange is that the MC also woke up very rested before meeting Josy at the gym. Did the MC perhaps have a visitor during the night? Maybe that explains Josy's lotion in the first sex scene of EP7. Did Josy maybe want to find out if the MC fucked Maya the night of EP4 while he was asleep and therefore rubbed lotion on her body? Maya was lying to the left of the MC. But what I also wonder is what if someone is lying to the right of the MC while he is sleeping? Jill took the MC's hand between her legs. But the MC was not asleep. Sage was not lying right next to the MC, she was lying on the bed and the MC was lying on the floor.
It's times like these that I really miss HB.
  1. Josy is not a twin with anyone. There has never been any indications whatsoever that she has a twin sister, it's just a crazy idea that you dreamt up and you're now using it as a spring board for more crazy ideas. No Dalli, no!

    Josy has a tan, the render has shadows and shit to make the contours apparent, there's no lotion and there's no revealed true skin colour.

    There are numerous inconsistencies with colours (fucking Sage's skin is grey in some shots, does that mean she's secretly a zombie) and inconsistencies with renders (fucking Jill's face for one, and would you suggest in that disgusting butt shot of Lily's when she's fucking the mc at the HOTs party that perhaps her ass implants fell out for a moment but she put them back in before the mc saw?!).

    You're looking for fantastic levels of detail to come up with insane theories but it's just not there. On the other hand, there is plenty of nuance in this game, but it's done to enhance the narrative, cement home the feelings of the characters in various situations, and that's great, but there aren't deep hidden meanings behind everything.

    By the way, there's no fucking Josy twin!

  2. The crabs lotion that Sarah is talking about is at the DIKs, she was snooping in the bathroom and found it, the girls dis her for being a creep but this is just the lotion that the DIKs bought to combat the crabs that they contracted from Arieth. None of this has anything to do with Josy.

    It's extremely contrived and unlikely that Arieth borrowed Derek's shaving kit (why the fuck would that happen) and then Josy borrowed it from her (why the fuck would any sane girl borrow anything of that nature from Arieth!?). Fucking no.

    If Derek ends up fucking Arieth (in a threesome with Jacob) he gets crabs. We know this for a fact. There are a number of scenes that play out slightly differently depending on whether Derek fucks Arieth or not. That still has zero to do with Josy, because he didn't fuck Josy, and neither did any of the DIKs except the mc, and he didn't fuck Arieth.

    So basically there' no indication that Josy has crabs, and she's been shaving since before she even came to B&R. It's her style.

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  3. Holy fuck, and what the fuck!? These are just ramblings. There's not even a theory there, it's just random, unrelated weird shit.
So, in the immortal words of the slowly-fading-into-distant-memory Holy Bacchus, my entire response can be summed up very succinctly:

Seriously, dalli? :FacePalm:
Do we have to go over this again, dalli?
You're fishing for things that aren't there again, dalli. :rolleyes:


New Member
May 26, 2021
Joking aside, I hope you enjoy the game. I worked my ass off to create this and boy this is expensive.

I need funding to complete this project.

If you can't afford to donate on Patreon, you can still show support by liking or reviewing the game.

You're an absolute genius, a virtouso. Really appreciate your work man. I came for jacking and ended up in a game with amazing sexual content, hilarious comedy and an absolutely incredible storyline. I'm fucking in love with your game.


Jul 1, 2019
When the MC met up in the cafeteria, the MC told Troy not to say a word. Kind of suspicious. Check out the look on Chad's face at the EP7 party. There's love in the air.

Imagine if the MC caught Chad and Troy in the locker room at the end of Ep7. And at the beginning of EP8, the MC goes after Troy for kissing Chad.

No but seriously. At the end of EP7, the MC said it's nice to finally be normal. This could be referring to Josy or the fact that some people thought he was gay. Even Sage says something like that in EP5.
If you reject sage and then in ep5 she was offering herself to be devoured by mc but our mc being stubborn in his decision told her no. Then she calls her gay because of him rejecting a girl literally offering her to be fucked not because he is gay or anything. If I remember, she says right after that the girl he loves will appreciate the fuck out of him, or will be lucky to have him
Now in ep7 he suddenly accepts her, what a dumbass.
And the normal mc is talking about is finally everything setting up back how it's supposed to be at college after the hell week is over. He did shits that he didn't imagined to happen at the college. After hell week, he started studied for the subjects, is not always high because of beers, he is working out like he always did before and finally can be his normal self again.
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Jan 13, 2021
You think she might need to dye her hair, get a few tatts, wear stiletto heels and walk around naked to make her more interesting?

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Personally I quite like her. I'm more interested to find out more about Jill than I am Maya or Josy. I'm a little intrigued to know more about Sage (basically I just wanna know who Sage's dad is so I can stick it to godkingxerxes when we find out it's Man Bun :p) and of course I wanna know what the fuck the deal is with Bella and her ex, but it's Jill that I'd really like to get to know more about, like:
  • What is she campaigning about. :unsure:
  • How did her sister die. :eek:
  • Are her parents gonna accept the mc. :mad:
  • Just how rich is she. (y)
  • Will she like anal. :sneaky:
These are all burning questions.
The picture is quite good but not the type of Jill I want to see. And I would be interested in knowing the last one very much.


Jul 1, 2019
Does anyone have an insight to why does Quinn have a pointed broken glass at the end of ep7. Now that she lost the only friend she had in Tommy with whom she would let herself lose and talk anything. Is she depressed and trying to kill herself?

I also read DPC Q&A of ep6 where he mentions Quinn to be an antagonist, so she is maybe behind Cathy's cluck seeing how everything pans out. Camila fucking rusty, Riona in hallway near the library.
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