If it´s so difficult to understand about Quinn's dirty dealings... why it only takes Lily a few days to understand everything? She wasn´t even living with the HOTs then...
If Sage haven´t neglected her duties with the HOTs, and over all, being so incredibly blind... why the situation of the sorority is so rotten now? She was the daughter of the Dean Bourke two or three years ago, when it all started. She had the means to help her sisters if she is so eager to help people, the same way she's trying to help Maya now. And she knows Quinn, Riona, Sarah or Mel for more that a few weeks and a couple of conversations, unlike Maya.
Truth is, the only way Sage, Elena or Heather could not see what is happening with Quinn and the others the same way Lily does, is that they are as dumb and clueless as Arieth. But they are not supposed to be dumb and clueless at all, and I don´t think it´s supposed that they actually know, but for some reason they hide it. It would make even less sense.
If Quinn's dealings were less hardcore and would not involve half of the HOTs and maybe a hundred of clients (both for drugs and prostitution) around the campus, it would be plausible that the other HOTs would not know about them. But DPC wanted a lot of drama. Drama at the level of a Mexican soap opera, and beyond.
I don´t even know why a guy like Bourke needs a girl like Quinn or trust her, over all being the best friend of his own daughter. He´s not so old or ugly, and he's the Dean. It should not be difficult for him to find students to fuck, even if he doesn't mind to risk his marriage and the relationship with his daughter. I have seen IRL, both in high school and the university, older and uglier teachers and professors get female students, and even male in the case of gay people, without need of directly paying them.
It's only a porn game, and that's why I suspend my disbelief when I see all the girls (including teachers like Isabella) dressing always like whores, showing their panties every time they sit, or having almost all of them lesbian tendencies and playing with each others every time they are alone. Those are just things to spice up a porn game, although I would prefer if the girls would dress and behave more realistically. But even a porn game, if it's a good one and not only fap material, should have a plausible story and plot.
DPC is like a chef that always put too much salt in the stew. Even if the ingredients are fresh and are well cooked, is going to taste bad. In his case, is not salt, but drama.