It was underwhelming!
The animations who took so long to make don't bring much. The story doesn't progress much. It even seems that sage got regress back to episode 3 when interacting with mc.
Sure they're pros, it was refreshing to have a big roam free event, and the halloween night so much teased wasn't bad. The mini game for planning the event wasn't bad, i personnally liked it, but it make me think that DPC tried to artifically increased the play time.
Not much is resolved i won't say too much to not spoil but i dislike how main some mains girls acted with mc.
Overall, dissapointing. One + year for this is not what i expected. There is another post that summarized better in saying that in sandbox type game (like free roam event), it's easier to tie all path.
I get that DPC tried another type of episode, just hope it won't become new standard.