Do you know where is the option to "create save to transfer to season 3"? since the interlude I don't see that menu anywhere, only the one to import game from season 2....
You're looking at the wrong screen, pal. There is no 'transfer to season 3' from the Interlude. If you made saves at the end of the interlude, you should be able to continue from those into S3.
The only way to import saves is from the special end-save exports that were made at the finish of Season 2.
Ilhares, bud... WTF? Carolyn... is making out with another dude! I spend all that time to be able to rename her and she's parking someone else's boots under the bed!
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How can SanchoMod exist now? Oh.. sweet Carolyn... Neil Diamond does NOT approve.
I KNOW! WHAT THE SHIT, CAROLYN?! We're taunted for the better part of a year with the "Vixens" highlight teaser, featuring 3 reasonably hot chicks, and the best he gives us is maybe going down on one of them (admittedly, I do like Tiff, she's kinda tasty looking), we don't even get a name on the redhead, and while the MC can wind up in bed with 2/3 of them, he put fucking Tara the crackwhore in the middle, leaving Carolyn alone out on the side.
What. The. Fuck.
Now, granted, I do have to admit that while I found the episode on the whole to be a fucking disappointment, it does have little moments of happiness and joy, but almost every single one of them is on the Others path. Nicole and Rio are in my top tier, and frankly, Quinn has a pretty solid scene, too. I'd like more of Camila, obviously, but if she's sporting a different bun in that oven, well.. Color my MC displeased. And Lily continues to make me think she's an undercover agent of some sort, so I don't care how much fun fucking her can be, there's no trust. And without trust, there can be no love.