I was quite disappointed that you couldn't hook up with Zoey, I like her. She does glance at you suggestively a few times but you can't even give her a bloody kiss.
I'm not sure I understand the dev's decision with her ultra-slow pacing, but at this rate we'd get to fuck her in 2024.
I was surprised by that too, til I realized that it was a deliberate choice by DPC. See many of us were indifferent to Zoey, and expected her to try a d fuck things up for us by jumping straight into bed.
But by subverting expectations (in a good way), and her not giving it up, he's creating some demand.
Put it this way. On my sex and playthrough I went straight Others. Not Others Quinn or Others Riona, this was my others, every living thing and maybe even some dead ones if they're still warm route. Get to the end of the night with some options, I figured, hey, I haven't tasted blue yet. Why not?
I offer for her to stay in my bed, with a heavy implication (in my mind anyway) that she wouldn't be getting much
sleep ...
She turns me down to ride an hour on a cold train. Let's be clear, I've slept with everyone at this point. If it breathed, I fucked it. Her telling me "no" absolutely lit a fire in me.
Now manwhore is hungry for the Smurf. He's wondering when she's gonna give it up. Am I being played by DPC? Yep. Do I care? Fuck no.
I applaud it, it was a strong move that only built up his character. Well done.