
Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
you are right, I remembered that you don't directly see Quinn using it

but the assumption that it's something heavy is not that it makes more sense this way, it remains very stretched.

the presence of the heroine in BADIk would be a huge "injection" of realism in a context that has always been relatively uninterested in realism, it would undo all that patina of "we will live forever"
The whole thing is just simply one of DPC usual flip flop.
Quinn was supposed to be the Antagonist of the story and by doing that Hard drug scene in the beginning of episode 2, it was mean to show just how BAD she is, how dangerous etc. The clear indication of, Here is the Bad girl/ guy of the story

But, as DPC started to like Quinn more, he realize He can't make her that Bad, so he made a smal retcon to that storyline, and we learned that Quinn not doing this stuff, she just sell light drugs.

And when Vinny come back to the picture, He revisit this, by showing a needle to us again,
to ensure , " See? See? , how Bad Vinny is, he is really bad like so Bad, , He is the one who selling this shit to Tommy , and he has a Gun, and so see? , he is the BAD guy. I bet you did not see that one coming, huh? I think I will ask 40 bucks for this "

There isn't really anything more to this.
I mean some of you guys give more thought into this than DPC himself:LOL:.

It funny in a way, but the truth is that unlike a "certian theory maker" who believed that DPC has some grand master plan, the truth is he really doesn't have any. And as the game progress it's more and more visible, that he just goes with the flow, and made shits up as he develop, that is why he is unnable to contain himself when it's comes to episodes.:ROFLMAO:


Oct 1, 2020
I think you really are undervaluing the power of that drug, dude.
It's not exactly understimating it, I mean one has still to be afraid of heroin and not even try it, but drugs don't work so easy as "you inject once and you're an addict". Let's say, you could be suffering great pain, they could give you morphine for some days and that wouldn't make you a junkie afterwards and you wouldn't crave it inmediately that way, and heroin and morphine work very similarly. There was a time most kids consumed heroine when it was thought to be just a good antitussive, it was not that the source of a full generation of heroin consumers.

Some of you are here are talking like it's "heroin is 1 time, meth is 3-4 times, etc", drugs don't work exactly that way.

Heroin is hard but if you use it once you won't be craving already like some zombie, of course you will surely enjoy it and use it again, but you're sort of making it look like if now I force someone to get heroin and after that he will be a junkie for life. You wouldn't suffer the lack of the drug (avoiding the cold turkey it's probably the main reason to keep using it, and you don't get it that quick), because organisms really don't work that way. Drug dealers would be making people force-consuming it if that was the case.

Heroin is fucking shit and I actually have no problem with people trying to make it look like something "you shouldn't even try once because you will be lost" (I think is a good lie and by no meaning I'm here trying to make people think it would be good to try it just once), but if we want to be honest and based on data, drugs just don't work that way.

Btw, alcohol is by far a drug that causes more harm to society, it's one of the hardest drugs to give up, and society has a whole should by far try to fear it more than it does. I say that just in case someone is thinking "this guy is just into drugs and doesn't see the risks", I'm sure now some would say I'm a prude for saying that about alcohol, so that probably compensates thinking I was a drug promoter about heroine. Well, the thing, bring to therapy a guy who has been doing heroine for a month (not daily, occasional use) and someone that has been an alcoholic for a year, day after day, and let the therapist tell you which one was easier to treat.
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
The whole thing is just simply one of DPC usual flip flop.
Quinn was supposed to be the Antagonist of the story and by doing that Hard drug scene in the beginning of episode 2, it was mean to show just how BAD she is, how dangerous etc. The clear indication of, Here is the Bad girl/ guy of the story

But, as DPC started to like Quinn more, he realize He can't make her that Bad, so he made a smal retcon to that storyline, and we learned that Quinn not doing this stuff, she just sell light drugs.

And when Vinny come back to the picture, He revisit this, by showing a needle to us again,
to ensure , " See? See? , how Bad Vinny is, he is really bad like so Bad, , He is the one who selling this shit to Tommy , and he has a Gun, and so see? , he is the BAD guy. I bet you did not see that one coming, huh? I think I will ask 40 bucks for this "

There isn't really anything more to this.
I mean some of you guys give more thought into this than DPC himself:LOL:.

It funny in a way, but the truth is that unlike a "certian theory maker" who believed that DPC has some grand master plan, the truth is he really doesn't have any. And as the game progress it's more and more visible, that he just goes with the flow, and made shits up as he develop, that is why he is unnable to contain himself when it's comes to episodes.:ROFLMAO:
DPC may change some storylines as the story progresses, but not all of them. For example, you're probably right, and Quinn's storyline has been changed. But DPC is the type of writer who plans the structure of works in advance.

"I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.George R.R. Martin
Gardeners - go with the flow. Architects - work according to plan. In the BaDIK story, you can see a pre-planned structure, I'm talking about the main plot points. Examples: The Halloween party is mentioned beforehand in Episode 7. He also mentioned that he wanted to do this episode for a very long time. Zoey return was conceived back in the first season, when MC told Bella his backstory. When Jade harassed MC during classes, he already knew that she was Sage's mother and came up with a meeting with Burke - he planned drama for this route.
Hints of Maya's financial problems come from the very beginning of the game, it can be said that MC got stunned by a shocker to DIKs due to the fact that Patrick was blackmailing her. I think he already knows what's behind Bella's door for a long time. The basic structure of the plot is created from the very beginning.
But due to the gigantic bloated script, the huge number of storylines, illogical and strange plot decisions are often seen. For example, it seems ridiculous to me that Sage doesn't like Jill because she considered her as Tybalt's girlfriend, although she should know that she's not. DPC is just one person and the human mind is not able to withstand such a load. I'm sure if he was a writer-gardener and went with the flow, the project would have been abandoned by now, as he would have reached a creative dead end. Like the same George Martin with the Winds of Winter.


Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
DPC may change some storylines as the story progresses, but not all of them. For example, you're probably right, and Quinn's storyline has been changed. But DPC is the type of writer who plans the structure of works in advance.

"I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.George R.R. Martin
Gardeners - go with the flow. Architects - work according to plan. In the BaDIK story, you can see a pre-planned structure, I'm talking about the main plot points. Examples: The Halloween party is mentioned beforehand in Episode 7. He also mentioned that he wanted to do this episode for a very long time. Zoey return was conceived back in the first season, when MC told Bella his backstory. When Jade harassed MC during classes, he already knew that she was Sage's mother and came up with a meeting with Burke - he planned drama for this route.
Hints of Maya's financial problems come from the very beginning of the game, it can be said that MC got stunned by a shocker to DIKs due to the fact that Patrick was blackmailing her. I think he already knows what's behind Bella's door for a long time. The basic structure of the plot is created from the very beginning.
But due to the gigantic bloated script, the huge number of storylines, illogical and strange plot decisions are often seen. For example, it seems ridiculous to me that Sage doesn't like Jill because she considered her as Tybalt's girlfriend, although she should know that she's not. DPC is just one person and the human mind is not able to withstand such a load. I'm sure if he was a writer-gardener and went with the flow, the project would have been abandoned by now, as he would have reached a creative dead end. Like the same George Martin with the Winds of Winter.
interesting quote, because if you think about it , actually he is more of a Gardeners .
He had some ideas, "planting a seeds" . That are those storyline you mentioned , seeds

But, the only similarity between him and Martin, is that they Both Lazy Milker MotherFuckers, and have extremely huge EGO:ROFLMAO:
Jun 29, 2018
We had enough talk about the girls, time to talk about the boys:
1. Are there any Jocks you'd want to see in the DIKs or at least have the MC be friendly with?
2. Least favourite DIK?
3. Is there a male model in the game you wish was used for MC instead of the one we got?

for me personally:
1a. Anthony is a bit slow, but seems decent enough.
1b. As more the story progresses, Chad seems more likeable.

2. CHICK MC should not be a DIK member.

3. I'm ok with the current one, early Rusty looks ok too.
1) Chad and Anthony. When he's not been fake as fuck Chad seems like he'd be all right doubt the DIKs care he's gay either. Anthony seems like an ok guy. Plus maybe they know how to throw a punch. The MC is going to need a permanent neck pillow from carrying the DIKs in fights by the end. Can we have some fucker in that mansion that can fight.
2) Jam-Jam he doesn't have a girlfriend he has a mother surrogate that tells him what to do, think and believe. It's pathetic.
3) Not really. It's minor but I do wish the MC was taller and had more muscle. His young had no job until the summer with music and fighting his two passions. He's supposed to be a particularly talented fighter he should have the build of one.

But one of the problems associated with the use of such drugs, especially heroin, is precisely that it only takes one try to get hooked on it.
That's actually a bit of a myth and people get caught by it far too often because they don't crave it after a few uses so think they're special and can handle it. Then the dependency forms and heroin is a particularly strong and ruinous addiction once it forms.
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
interesting quote, because if you think about it , actually he is more of a Gardeners .
He had some ideas, "planting a seeds" . That are those storyline you mentioned , seeds
The gardener doesn't know what will grow from his seeds, but since these lines are presented, it seems that they are built, not planted. The presence of Chekhov's gun in the script already speaks of architecture.
But, the only similarity between him and Martin, is that they Both Lazy Milker MotherFuckers, and have extremely huge EGO:ROFLMAO:
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Conversation Conqueror
Aug 4, 2019
The gardener doesn't know what will grow from his seeds, but since these lines are presented, it seems that they are built, not planted. The presence of Chekhov's gun in the script already speaks of architecture.
dude, your own quote :LOL: :

They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows

He know what he planted , he just don't know "where it will lead him". or more properly how many branches it will have;)
and this is more in line with one of his earlier Q/A when he said, that Maya and Jade suprised him the most, as howand where their character evolved, becasue he kind of just let them grow by their own, or something.

so Yeah, he has a base idea, but it's not planned to every little details, like the architect in that example quote of yours.;)


Aug 18, 2022
DPC may change some storylines as the story progresses, but not all of them. For example, you're probably right, and Quinn's storyline has been changed. But DPC is the type of writer who plans the structure of works in advance.

"I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.George R.R. Martin
Gardeners - go with the flow. Architects - work according to plan. In the BaDIK story, you can see a pre-planned structure, I'm talking about the main plot points. Examples: The Halloween party is mentioned beforehand in Episode 7. He also mentioned that he wanted to do this episode for a very long time. Zoey return was conceived back in the first season, when MC told Bella his backstory. When Jade harassed MC during classes, he already knew that she was Sage's mother and came up with a meeting with Burke - he planned drama for this route.
Hints of Maya's financial problems come from the very beginning of the game, it can be said that MC got stunned by a shocker to DIKs due to the fact that Patrick was blackmailing her. I think he already knows what's behind Bella's door for a long time. The basic structure of the plot is created from the very beginning.
But due to the gigantic bloated script, the huge number of storylines, illogical and strange plot decisions are often seen. For example, it seems ridiculous to me that Sage doesn't like Jill because she considered her as Tybalt's girlfriend, although she should know that she's not. DPC is just one person and the human mind is not able to withstand such a load. I'm sure if he was a writer-gardener and went with the flow, the project would have been abandoned by now, as he would have reached a creative dead end. Like the same George Martin with the Winds of Winter.
I think DPC hyperfocuses too much on some of the menial shit. I don't mind it, I love BaDik, but you can only do so much alone and on top of that he stated before that he takes zero influence from Fans. On one hand it is respectful, someone fully commited to their art who takes no shit from anyone else, on the other opinions and criticism have to be taken into account to improve.
Both sides of this show in his work, on one hand he is pretty much regarded as the king of AvN (according to sales and patreon numbers) where he produces top tier products.
On the other he feels tonedeaf, we had to wait nearly 8 months for an episode which many feel like it didn't deliver, or delivered too little for how much time we had waiting.
An architect requires the services of builders, people who read over his work, providers of materials and many many other proffesions that will help him build a building.
A gardener cannot work without tools that lessen the strain of his job.
DPC doesn't adopt either strategies. He has to have a product perfect and to his liking.
Look at another author and game designer who is just like DPC, ConcernedApe. He fully created Stardew Valley alone, but then when he encountered a problem he couldn't solve (networking issues for multiplayer and porting the game to consoles and phones, or when he created board games he had to outsource to an art company) he asked for help, he used tools that would allow him to progress as a game designer.
You can only progress so much alone. That isn't to say I dislike DPC, quiet the contrary as a fellow artist I have full respect for work he does, it is just setting up a bad precedent for a possible failure or burnout.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
dude, your own quote :LOL: :

They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows

He know what he planted , he just don't know "where it will lead him". or more properly how many branches it will have;)
and this is more in line with one of his earlier Q/A when he said, that Maya and Jade suprised him the most, as howand where their character evolved, becasue he kind of just let them grow by their own, or something.

so Yeah, he has a base idea, but it's not planned to every little details, like the architect in that example quote of yours.;)
I imagine he has outlines of what will happen but no meat until he has a point A and point B but doesn't know how he's going to get there
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
dude, your own quote :LOL: :

They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows

He know what he planted , he just don't know "where it will lead him". or more properly how many branches it will have;)
and this is more in line with one of his earlier Q/A when he said, that Maya and Jade suprised him the most, as howand where their character evolved, becasue he kind of just let them grow by their own, or something.

so Yeah, he has a base idea, but it's not planned to every little details, like the architect in that example quote of yours.;)
Of course, it is impossible to think through the scenario to the smallest detail, I'm talking about basic events that are the framework of the scenario and connect the world around.
He comes up with something along the way, some new idea appears, with which he can fill the world.
He has interesting tastes if he likes Jade's development. That is, he likes it when she shows her true face of an embittered bitch with an eternal under-fuck. :ROFLMAO:
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
I imagine he has outlines of what will happen but no meat until he has a point A and point B but doesn't know how he's going to get there
This is what I'm talking about. He has points A and B (major plot points). He must figure out how to reach them, fill them with content. This is the work of an architect.
The gardener does not know how the plot will develop, he does not know about his main events at the beginning of the book, he must get to them along the way and come up with them.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
I don't think it's implied they're screwing. At least not anymore.
Since Tommy only knows how to attract the attention of dorm girls and Pink Rose ladies, I doubt there's anything going on between him and Quinn. I bet something happened between Quinn and Vinny, but not Tommy. The guy is a loser.


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
Since Tommy only knows how to attract the attention of dorm girls and Pink Rose ladies, I doubt there's anything going on between him and Quinn. I bet something happened between Quinn and Vinny, but not Tommy. The guy is a loser.
There's a line of Tommy in Quinn's room that goes something like "We used to be closer, much closer" that keeps me thinking that something happened.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 10, 2020
This is what I'm talking about. He has points A and B (major plot points). He must figure out how to reach them, fill them with content. This is the work of an architect.
The gardener does not know how the plot will develop, he does not know about his main events at the beginning of the book, he must get to them along the way and come up with them.
Right which is how good storytelling usually works. Take the best movies out there there writers didn't have everything figure out things chance along the way
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2021
There's a line of Tommy in Quinn's room that goes something like "We used to be closer, much closer" that keeps me thinking that something happened.
I always thought he was referring to how they were getting closer to the point of being more than friends (FwB). Or maybe not, maybe Quinn really had sex with Tommy. What a phase... Quinn is better than that (I think...). :KEK:

Simplest case, he can buy Quinn's ass like any other loser on the campus, MC included.
It makes sense that they had something through the “restaurant”. :unsure: And just to be clear, my MC is not a loser... and not a pussy either... :LOL:
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