If there is a DIK traitor Nick is so obvious you'd think he has to be a red herring. Someone turning traitor should be a surprise where as most of the fanbase has probably heard that theory by now because of how the game hints something is up with him. If it is him it'll have little impact. I have a feeling at some point if the DIKs think they have a traitor Nick will be the scapegoat and whoever is pointing the finger at him the hardest is probably the traitor. I don't see why he'd be so obvious unless he's going to be a scapegoat in the story at some point.
I agree that Nick is most likely not the traitor (if there is one), but that begs the question of how Burke got a hold of the video, because it's either that Quinn is somehow connected to it, in which case she must be the blackmailer, or Burke has connections to other people (my guess is Vinny in such a case).
This also begs the question if Vinny actually opened the safe or not, and I think he did, I've gone back and listened to the sound effect of when he opens the safe (or at least tries to), and it's not the *clunk* sound I first thought it was, its more like a *click* sound, as though it was opened successfully, and Vinny couldn't do that without knowing the new safe combination, which means that he's the one behind the cameras, and I also fail to see what Quinn would gain from leaking all the photos of the DIKs fucking Arieth to Dawe, Vinny yet again makes more sense since he's someone who has a motive in simple revenge at the least.
And this would also explain why Nick's room is left untouched when the mansion gets destroyed, even if Nick isn't a traitor it is stated several times early on that he still meets with Vinny from time to time, so they're still close, and since Vinny likes Nick he would makes sure to leave Nick's room untouched while the rest of the mansion gets smashed, but I doubt Vinny would be able to smash the entire mansion by himself, it would be exhausting, and how would he recover the dildos that were used to wreck the Alpha's house, unless he was there when the DIK's threw them, and that might also explain why Dawe cancelled his orders from Quinn, if Vinny provided him with a better deal he'd give incentive to the Alphas to trust him, while also tossing a wrench in the gears of his competition for the drug market.