I wish I could follow your sub-thread alone
2 tiny questions though. I assume you are doing this with in the "plus" version, correct?
Also, if the answer to the above question is yes, have you started prompting/whispering now that ChatGPT-4 is here.
It's odd because I'm pretty sure I did start on GPT-4 but at some point during the thread it went funny saying it decided there was an error with the input and then when I refreshed the thread it carried on okay but wasn't quite the same and since has occasionally gone off the rails again.
I only noticed when I stopped yesterday that at the top of the thread it now says GPT 3.5. It is still working, I just need to remind it every now and then what to do, so I'm just gonna carry on and see how far I get.
Not sure what you mean by the prompting whispering question?
I've not had any more curious responses yet from ChatGPT except when it chose to ask for more money when leaving work and responded to the news it wouldn't be getting any money with the following - 'I'm sorry to hear that Alex is in a difficult situation at work. What happens next in the story?'
I know it doesn't have feelings, it's just guessing the best response based on the input, but it surprises me still how relevant it can be.
I'm going to modify the prompt moving forward to try and put the full scene / dialogue in the prompt up until the next choice each time so that ChatGPT doesn't get confused whenever there isn't an option to make a choice in a prompt. I'm also going to ask it to explain why it chooses its prompts, just out of curiosity.
We'll see how long I can stay interested in this experiment, it's pretty slow going!