
Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2023
7 Error shows up in the event viewer regarding this game, the event viewer only show the error that happened few days ago it didn't generated the latest one even after i try to launch the game again, I'm gonna show you one of them
View attachment 3018005
I note that your drive letter isn't the default C:/ drive.
Is your drive partitioned? or do you have multiple physical drives in your machine?
I ask this because now I'm wondering if you 'tweaked' the correct recycle bin drive settings (It's not a horrible thing to set them all to 4096 specially if you're running low on space on all individual drives). Even though at this point I'm pretty certain it wouldn't change much.

But on a different angle to your troubles. Have you tried re-downloading the game package? It could be as stupid as an incomplete download or rather, a corrupted download. Wouldn't it be self-mutilation inducing if after all this, that it would turn out to be something as simple as that?
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Pax Draconis

Aug 18, 2023
It's still a mystery to me why some people react to NTR the way they do.
What's wrong with NTR?
I would ask them - You wanted to see dicks and pussies when you launched a porn game ? Well, here are dicks and pussies for you.
What are you not happy with?
It's all about cognitive dissonance. Basically people play into the MC as an extension of themselves and therefore feel that they themselves are the ones being cheated on (often in harem games where they tell the LIs that they have to be ok with being cheated on. Hypocrisy much?) At the end of the day they have problems separating themselves from the fact that they are just playing a game.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
and why does all this happen? because in the end there is a 1% who likes NTR, another 1% who doesn't like it in a clinical way, a 1% of normal people (approximate to excess) and a 97% who likes to see the second group go crazy. just say it calmly
I would say 97% people who want to have fun. This second group is so ridiculous and probably the loudest idiots in the AVNs community. It is not surprising that people will make fun of them to make them even more angry.
It's still a mystery to me why some people react to NTR the way they do.
What's wrong with NTR?
I would ask them - You wanted to see dicks and pussies when you launched a porn game ? Well, here are dicks and pussies for you.
What are you not happy with?
There are people who don't want to see their favorite waifus with other characters (men, women, it doesn't matter) - they should only exist for the MC. These people are very insecure, typical incels from the basement and are afraid of feeling humiliated and cuckolded.
It's not the messages I have trouble with, my issue is with how snowflakes react to them. It's like everything was set on fire.

So my attitude towards them is something like this:
"You're on the fucking internet, grow some skin already! If have to accept that even a losing team gets a trophy now, then you're gona fucking chill when I have an opinion and stfu!"
That's it! And at this point I don’t understand the DPC, he is so afraid of them (many argue that he is afraid of the anti-NTR brigade). Although he can simply ban this 1% of loudmouths.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
It's all about cognitive dissonance. Basically people play into the MC as an extension of themselves and therefore feel that they themselves are the ones being cheated on (often in harem games where they tell the LIs that they have to be ok with being cheated on. Hypocrisy much?) At the end of the day they have problems separating themselves from the fact that they are just playing a game.
Precisely, you're playing as the MC, the MC is your AVATAR, if all he is going to do is watch other guys fuck all the girls, then you might as well just watch porn. Yeah I guess it can be hot watching another guy fuck your gf or wife, but then you are still a part of that and agreement from all involved, you also have the opportunity to get involved, I don't mind this type of NTR. The NTR I don't like is when the gf or wife is doing it out of your view, without your consent, I find that cheating, not NTR.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
There are people who don't want to see their favorite waifus with other characters (men, women, it doesn't matter) - they should only exist for the MC. These people are very insecure, typical incels from the basement and are afraid of feeling humiliated and cuckolded.
Humiliation and Cuckhold are fetishes, not everyone has to like a fetish, it doesn't make them incels or insecure.

That's it! And at this point I don’t understand the DPC, he is so afraid of them (many argue that he is afraid of the anti-NTR brigade). Although he can simply ban this 1% of loudmouths.
I find usually it's the NTR mob that are the 1%.

Geralt From Rivia

Forum Fanatic
Jun 15, 2022
Humiliation and Cuckhold are fetishes, not everyone has to like a fetish, it doesn't make them incels or insecure.

I find usually it's the NTR mob that are the 1%.
I understand not liking such things - I don’t like them and I don’t play such games. But playing a game, experiencing it, and looking at fan art are two different things. We're talking more about fan art.
And you can’t imagine how loud they can be. They may start getting hysterical because the LI you didn't choose will end up with another character or find out that LI had sex before MC and going berserk mode.
And DPC seems to be doing everything to calm this brigade:
-Chad, Sage's previous boyfriend is gay.
-James can't even kiss Bella in the flashback Ep.8
-Zoey maintained celibacy throughout her stay in San Diego.
-If we see that one of the female characters is having sex, that’s it, the way with her is closed. We saw Gina taking part in a threesome at a dorm party. In Ep.9, if MC on the Others route ends up alone, then he just sleeps in bed with three girls. Tara, Tiffany and Gina. So, he lies in his arms with Tara and Tiffany, Gina lies separately on the edge of the bed.

So as you see, it's not about cucking and humilation at all, It's about how this group of people seeing cucking and humilation. They might even find cucking in a beer bottle if Derek suddenly shows politeness and offers one of the MCs LI a drink. :LOL:
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Engaged Member
Jan 6, 2021
you're playing as the MC, the MC is your AVATAR
Avatar? Maybe so, I'm not entirely sure, but let's say. But the life of the MC in any game is his life.
Not mine, yours, or anyone else's.
And what happens to it according to the script and the developer’s idea is none of our business.
When we play as Arthur Morgan in RDR2, or as V in Cyberpunk, things happen to them that we may not like.
And we can't change that.
It is the author's right to write such a storyline as he sees fit.
According to the script, a wife, girlfriend, beloved dog can cheat on the MC behind his back.
Yes, it's a shitty situation, but it's his shitty situation, not ours.
Anyway, we have a choice to play or not a particular game.
And no one has the right to impose their point of view on the developer.
Maybe I'm wrong about something, I don't know.
But this is my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2020
The problem with the NTR debate is that it's totally lost what NTR is. The point about the kink is humiliation, which is a kink a lot of people have, certainly looks like Will Smith has it for example. The issues are those with the kink are very vocal about wanting it in every game, which annoys people who don't like it. Worse than that though is the anti-NTR brigade who have moved the line of NTR far away from the original meaning and complain when an LI shows even the slightest affection to another person. Because the anti-NTR brigade are so loud devs have been known to totally change their game in order to appease them.

In the case of this game DPC has proven himself to be scared about them, which is why you get nonsensical theories that state that Bella never fucked her husband, because DPC doesn't even show them having any physical contact like kissing or holding hands in the flashbacks. You have prostitutes, who because Fuckface can fuck them can never be shown in any sort of situation with anyone else. You have people claiming that Quinn doesn't have any other customer other than Fuckface, even though she's not the highest rung of the ladder so wouldn't have the agency to refuse to do anything sexual herself.

I don't like NTR as the kink it is, I just don't have that fetish, but I also don't see a problem with an LI getting into a relationship with another guy if you're not in a relationship with them, that's just realism. I'm not saying we need to see them fuck other guys, but just have it mentioned in dialogue (for example Jill could end up with Jonathan (whoever he is)). However because of the anti-NTR brigade all games now have LIs with no agency themselves and are interested in the MC and no-one else even if they are rejected by the MC, that for me removes the realism of these games and unfortunately it's almost all games that follow this now, all because of a very vocal minority.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2020
It's all about cognitive dissonance. Basically people play into the MC as an extension of themselves and therefore feel that they themselves are the ones being cheated on (often in harem games where they tell the LIs that they have to be ok with being cheated on. Hypocrisy much?) At the end of the day they have problems separating themselves from the fact that they are just playing a game.
These neckbeards need psychiatric help. The fall of society began with the cuckoo houses being shut down.

Thread: Hey DPC how's the new update going. Can't wait to see the new scenes!!!
View attachment 3018387
We're waiting for the unreal engine to be announced


May 8, 2023
Thread: Hey DPC how's the new update going. Can't wait to see the new scenes!!!
View attachment 3018387
If I wanted to bet $100, I'd bet on it:
optimistic forecast - beta testing Nov. 6-19, game release Nov. 24
optimistic realistic forecast - beta testing November 20 - December 3, game release December 8
negative forecast - beta testing - December 18-31, game release on January 5.
negative realistic - beta testing December 4-17, game release on December 22.
Choose whichever one you like.
I am more inclined to the game release on December 8.

Cabin Fever

Engaged Member
Nov 23, 2018
It's all about cognitive dissonance. Basically people play into the MC as an extension of themselves and therefore feel that they themselves are the ones being cheated on (often in harem games where they tell the LIs that they have to be ok with being cheated on. Hypocrisy much?) At the end of the day they have problems separating themselves from the fact that they are just playing a game.
What's worse is that, often, those are the very same people demanding an i-patch even when it wouldn't make sense with the specific story!


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I would say 97% people who want to have fun. This second group is so ridiculous and probably the loudest idiots in the AVNs community. It is not surprising that people will make fun of them to make them even more angry.

There are people who don't want to see their favorite waifus with other characters (men, women, it doesn't matter) - they should only exist for the MC. These people are very insecure, typical incels from the basement and are afraid of feeling humiliated and cuckolded.

That's it! And at this point I don’t understand the DPC, he is so afraid of them (many argue that he is afraid of the anti-NTR brigade). Although he can simply ban this 1% of loudmouths.
the problem is that that 1 percent has won decisively and indisputably. myriad games with virgins, redeemed lesbians, sexually abandoned wives.

So we are the ones living in their world.
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