Well... See theyou have balls to assume that I'm from the United States, I'm from Colombia and if you ever set foot in a public school with that name, well I hope you have a thick skin because you're going to suffer a good dose of third world abuse.
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, then.« Origen del nombre
Deriva del griego ανήρ (anér), genitivo ανδρός (andrós), que significa hombre, fuerza vital. El nombre Griego original, Andréas, representa lo hipocorístico, con funciones afectuosas, de nombres masculinos Griegos compuestos con el prefijo andr-, como Androgeos, Androcles, Andronikos. »
Andrea is originally a Greek male name. It actually means "male" like all words coming from Greek having "andr" in them. See "Androlgy" ("Andrología" in Spanish!) which is the study of the male organs.
In italian the name is masculine because we didn't forget its original meaning...