2b) You are wrong. Quinn knows that Riona was kidnapped because Quinn himself was the trigger for it. She won't have spoken to Vinny directly, but to Buddy and he will have said something to Vinny. What?
- Quinn has an awkward conversation with Riona
- Quinn comes out of Stephen Burke's office pissed off.
- Quinn then asks Tommy if he trusts Lily.
Holly fuck dude, I have no idea how did you come up with SO WRONG ideas. Were you shrooming yourself while playing it?
There was nothing "awkward" it their conversation. Quinn lost drugs but didn't want anyone to know so she raised prices to make it up to and used Riona as an excuse saying Tommy that she was smoking for free (just to cover her own ass). Riona learned about it and confronted Quinn.
Quinn comes out of Burke's office pissed off because Burke told her that it is over. He's getting divorce and probably is out of there, not to mention his wealth will be halved. She didn't expect it to end so suddenly, probably having her own long time plans which she has to abandon now. That is why she told MC at the BBQ (don't remember exactly) that she is not there for studying and will probably be gone next year (she already knows about Burke quitting).
Quinn asks about Lily because she buys big amounts for lower prices and Quinn does not want any additional competition there. That's why she asks Tommy if there is a chance she acts like a middle-man, selling it forward for higher price but Tommy told her Lily only provides it among Pink Rose girls. The second reason is trying to figure out if Lilly knows Buddy (why Buddy was so suspicious).
Tommy isn't in the DIK Mansion right now because he wants to buy drugs from Vinny. He's sitting on the stairs smoking when the MC calls Tommy. But outside Tommy's room we see a bottle of whiskey, a glass, money and a pack of cigarettes. It's not Tommy's money and it's not his cigarettes because he wants to buy drugs and smokes on the stairs. Stephen Burke is in Tommy's room with a girl who is smoking. There are some girls there. The only question is whether they have sex or not. I wrote so that Stephen Burke could be either the good guy or the bad guy.
But we learn that Stephen Burke, when he worked for Wallace, had no criminal record. Now if we add the bullet points above, it will give us a picture. Lily was in Tommy's room with Stephen Burke. Lily informed Stephen Burke of her knowledge and it was disguised as prostitution. Stephen Burke confronts Quinn in EP10 and Quinn is pissed. Mona couldn't have betrayed them because she didn't know enough and was no longer on campus. Only Riona and Lily remain. Quinn questions Tommy about Lily and makes good points about why Quinn can trust Lily. Lily herself even made sure of this in EP9, in front of Vinny. Riona, on the other hand, had an unpleasant conversation with Quinn.
Lol, Burke going to sorority house basement-room where literally ANYONE can come in witnessing whatever or simply record that? How did you even come up with that ridiculous idea... All I said above shatters your idea mentioned here.
Quinn talks about her problem with Buddy and mentions it to make her think that Riona betrayed her. We find out in EP10 that Mick is spying on Quinn. This Mick will also have been the one who stood behind the van when Riona came out of the school building and met Quinn. One thing leads to another and somehow Vinny finds out about it. Probably from Buddy or Mick. His ass is in the line of fire just like Quinn and Buddy's. Vinny kidnaps Riona and Quinn knows why.
Another question is whether or not this was intentional on Quinn's part. That's why Quinn will become a tragic figure because she will find out that it wasn't Riona who betrayed her, but Lily. Checkmate was what Riona said to Quinn in EP6.
The only Vinny's interests about Quinn is about Quinn "stealing" him customers (which among others are Pink Rose girls). Lilly mentioned it Quinn that their previous supplier got much higher prices and she prefers getting it from her. That was not unnoticed, Buddy mentioned Quinn about more sales and customers but she cut it. Then Vinny comes and asks Buddy about it which was a blind shot, he was not sure he is right or not (Quinn stealing his customers) but Buddy caught the hook asking what he knows about that. I guess there is some kind of "friendly agreement" of who operates where and stealing customers is "not nice". After all Quinn knows she is on the Vinny's or someone's radar so first she goes to Buddy with MC, then she sends Riona. Last scene with Riona is when Vinny already knows about Quinn's actions and maybe even he wanted to deal with her but because there was Riona instead, he kidnapped her and will interrogate her.
There you go, the faster you erase your tripping story from your mind the better for you