This purity brigade are the worst and loudest idiots in the AVN genre, a long known fact. Death threats to developers, blackmail and manipulation that they will stop supporting development, they see NTR where there is none, attacks on artists who create fan art...
The damage has been done, but it can still be repaired by developing the character. But we won't be able to forget.
DPC apparently decided not to bother with them and trolled in every possible way in Ep 10: Riona flirting with the guys, Zoey/Jacob teasing, Sage playing the role of Derek's "boyfriend". Fortunately they are not here, but I think that on other communities there was whining “WhY ThE cUcK vIbEs”.
It looks okay. We live in South Park, after all.
Hair model is outdated, but in anthyng else she looks ok.