
Aug 27, 2019
ah didn't get they were quick animations. I thought they were normal length animations, I thought you saying be quick scenes was more reference to the background / environment is already done. Then if it's a few 30 second looping then I do see your point. I actually skipped her content just ctrl skipped through it for the gallery so I forget the length of them.
Yeah, the Madame stuff is likely substantially faster to do than pretty much every other piece of content given it's nearly 100% asset re-use, barely any writing, and is just a new very short animation that loops.
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Aug 27, 2019
False, the interlude & EP 9 had no Madame scenes.

Also, as much as I despise them, the 3 Madame scenes in EP 10 were extremely short, less than 60s of animation in all of them (all 30fps).
Ah ok. I wasn't counting Interlude anyway (and is by far the biggest waste of time in the entire history of BaDIK). Either way though, yeah I really don't get the amount of hatred the Madame scenes get when they probably take a day or two at most to do.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
In terms of spoiling... its even a spoiler in DPCs mind if we can see what weather it is outside.

There is this Episode 11 picture with snow all over the place... but its obvious not a ingame scene, just a teaser for the episode to come.

But we dont know WHEN there will be snow, it very well could be at the very end. Or throughout the whole episode, that might be a thing DPC doesnt want us to see yet.

So he has to choose a render where there is nothing to see of the outside and the clothes dont give away a thing either. That is already not an easy task.

Renders out of a partylocation isnt possible either... we would see in an instant that its about a party and where. And so on and on. Sure we wouldnt really care for a little spoiler like this, but DPC does. But what should i say... we all know too that DPC has a really weird mind anyways.

Back to the topic at hand. The DEV report...

over 2000 render done and working heavy at the animation queue. That is a good sign. 2000 renders arent that much at this time... but he can put out that number in 1 month if he wants to. He concentrated very much on holding up the animation queue which is key for a faster release than the last 2 episodes and he realized that. Lets say he is aiming for about 5000 renders again, that could be done in june. Of course he cant focus solely on static renders... writing takes way more time, but its a task he can check off very fast if everything else is out of the way. That he was able to make 2000 static renders already which is a task that is not very high in the priority list (1. animations 2. writing 3. coding and than we might have static renders) shows us that everything else runs pretty good.

It doesnt really help to predict a release date... but at least it shows us that its not gonna be the same like the last episode where he was doing a lot of animations in the last 2 months of development and everythign else was done already. I remember a DEV report out of october last year where he told us he is more or less done with development and just waiting now for 80 animations to be rendered... and everybody with a big sigh in this thread: "oh god 10 weeks just waiting on pointless animations to see something spinning or walking"
It seems that he will not make this mistake again.

Iam still on the November-December train though... but it could very well be earlier.
Mar 18, 2019
Even with over 2000 renders produced, it's tricky to post previews because I don't want to spoil what I've been working hard on
He's the Dev so his rules but I suspect you can go back through any episode and pick a shit load of renders that look great and give away F all regarding spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2022
Yo, just a little Zoey appreciation. screenshot0002.png

I think Zoey is amazing and makes the story better no matter if you chose her for a Zoey playthrough or just as a friend (or for a potential drama pt of course).

I really enjoyed DPCs setup about her too, giving us tremolo's (still emotionally hurt) perspective about Zoey and their relationship and a lot of wrong assumptions (she posted a topless pic, she has a new bf).

Intentionally giving the player a similar feeling about her like the mc had at this point, we werent meant to like her. And instead maybe feeling a bit betrayed, hurt, pushed away, desinterrested or whatever.

Than everything gets reverted when we see the EP9 Interlude and hear the bench conversation between Tremolo and Zoey.

We learn very soon in the AVN that our Tremolo tends to be over-emotional and at times even a bit of a drama queen, the most oustanding examples of this are his reaction to the Josy/Maya reveal and his rebound talk with Sage.

Its the one (and maybe only) flaw of our Protagonist and imo its a good one, its based on his background and his past. It makes him endearing too, he just have to find the right balance which comes naturally with more life experience.

Because Zoey wasnt only his Ex or a friend .. Zoey was apparently his one and only friend and is the biggest influence on tremolo's life and character developtment, only second to Neil ever.

Tremolo was a loner who got bullied, without friends or much social interaction. And then comes Zoey.

It becomes apparent in the interlude and their talk on the bench how much of a turning point their friendship for tremolo's life was.

She teached him literally to live like a normal teenager, to meet people, to drink and in the end to make out and fuck. She made him a man in more than one sense and slowly but steadily gave him the confidence and experiences to become the protagonist we start the story with.

I loved how she teased him "I swear you could rule the world with this thing if you just grew some bigger balls to go with it" and teaches him all the stuff (positions, taking charge, dirty talk, giving insturctions) girls enjoy during sex.

She literally squeezed any ounce of insecurity out of his mind and body and gave him the unconditional support he needed so badly, lacking friends, a social life and even the love of a mother or grandparents in his life so far.

I think you have to really understand that, how big of a change in tremolo's life Zoey was. She literally turned it upside down. She turned a awkward loner into a confident and endearing guy, being the center of his life.

And you have to give Zoey credits for this even if you dont like her as a LI, nobody shaped Tremolo as much as her other than Neil, theres not even anyone in the three leagues below here and than comes maybe Sage.

And she didnt befriended the charming and confident start of the AVN tremolo who's everybodys darling anways, she befriended the akward loner dude without friends and did fall in love with him.

And than Zoey's grandma died and both of their worlds and young lifes did fell apart. Im convinced Zoey was and is in a depressed state only slowly recovering where we are now in the story. Supressing any kind of feelings and emotions as good as possible.

She just needed to get away and tremolo didnt want/wasnt able yet to tag along. And she left anyway.

Its imo understandable from her perspective and due to her suffering and tbf tremolo didnt really tried to do much about it.

But it broke tremolo. Being alone again.

Her one really bad move was to more or less ghost tremolo due to misguided empathy based on wrong judgement and allegedly similar expierences of her new firends. Who are a supporting bunch and its a simple misunderstanding.

Its still wrong to treat a friend like that even tho she thought she would do tremolo a favor and tbf she did, it was better for tremolo's state of mind to cut contact with her.

Their fake-messages and him obsessing over their chats only did hurt him. But it was still shitty. But at least i have very old friends which i had no contact with for 8 months or longer times and still value our friendship highly, esp childhood friends.

Fast forward Zoey is on her way back, still trying to supress her feelings but struggling. She's still deluding herself, calling it "home sickness" but the only thing she sees thinking about this word is her drawing of tremolo's face.

And when she cant contact him she walks straight up to his dad, no matter how awkward it may be to reach her goal.

At their talk on the bench and at the EP9 party it becomes appartent for her how he changed even more into the man she always envisioned him to become. The man she already saw when she saw the awkward teenage loner.

Confident, competent, charismatic and a born leader. Surrounded by friend and people who appreciate him.

She yearns for any drop of attention he grants her and at the same time is proud of him.

And than the EP10 Campfire just fried her brain.

Tremolo always gave her shit about shutting him down when he wanted to talk about emotions. And being aware that there are things left unsaid she approaches him about it.

And their following talk is just such a mind-blowing showcase of tremolo's development to her since they said farewell to each other it completly blows away all the defense mechanisms, all the emotional walls and barriers, the self-deluding and pretending.

It all just got swept away by a tornado of overwhelming emotions breaking through her shell.

Mind you the same guy who sat at the trainstation, looking at the ground and pouting not able to say a single normal word or do anything about her leaving ..

.. now sits next to her and tells her casually (more or less):

"Im mostly pissed about myself and that i didnt even tried to stop you. That i didnt told you that youre the only good thing i have in my life apart from my dad. That i dont want to be alone and that i thought you are my future."

Yeah. How is a girl supposed to take that? He told her that he would have married her if she had stayed but he didnt told it to her back than.

At this point Zoey was done and so is my post.

Sorry this became way too long

TLDR: Zoey is aweseome and great to potray mc's character development and growth even a just a friend. Her route will be awesome too tho!
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