I feel like DPC will give us the option to repair the throuple if it breaks up by the end of the game.
He knows people compare both his games and I think he will want to give us more options than before just to show he can.
That's for sure, Acting Lessons seems like a try out before BaDIK. We can see that he brought a lot from there, Hedwig was a HOT, there were some names like Lynette (which is not that common), also the psycologyst I believe has the same face as Lynette from BaDIK. But the thing is that it seems to show the way he thinks of a story.
Gotcha. I've seen some quads done well in other games and the elements are there if the dev wanted to go that way. Obviously I don't have full context of what type of plots DPC does, so was just idle speculation.
There are some nice games with harem paths out there. But Acting Lessons and the intro of BaDIK do not point in that direction to me. DPC seems to, although he know it's porn, wants to keep some "reality" (and I like that).