Replayed some stuff while bored the other day. Came up with a new theory about the "traitor" amongst the DiKs. (Sorry if this isn't new, the thread is approaching 15000 pages, I can't read everything.)
I don't think Nick is the traitor anymore. I actually think it's... nobody. Or rather, I think it's nobody KNOWINGLY betraying the DiKs. The "traitor", I think, is Jamie... he just doesn't know it.
My problem with the Nick theory is I never understood why Vinny, on whose behalf Nick would seemingly be working, would care enough to mess with the DiKs. But the campus' feminists have plenty of reasons to want to get rid of the DiKs. Both Beth and Dany are feminists.
Beth is hanging up flyers at the end of Ep. 10, so she's involved at least that much. There's also her being front and center, talking to someone on the phone, right after the Cathy cluck is posted in Ep. 4, and her being one of the only people at the Halloween party who is missing from the costume contest wide-shot (and the others who are missing are all explainable, like Becky having left after her costume is ruined or Sally hiding in the bathroom). Maybe she was upstairs taking pictures of the Hell Week wall?
As for Dany, and Jamie's involvement in this, in Ep. 3 Jamie has conspicuously lost his phone. Could Dany have snatched it for, say, taking a picture of Cathy in the ladies' locker room? Also, someone would need access to the DiKs laptop. Jamie uses the laptop more than anyone else -- he's the only one we ever see using it besides Rusty, and he clearly doesn't care about security, given his folder is the only one we can look through when Rusty lets us see it. If Jamie has frequent access, Dany likely could get access when needed too.
So yeah, that's my new theory about what's going on with that. I think the feminists are the ones messing with the DiKs, and their "inside man" is Jamie, who is too dumb to realize it. The stuff with Nick is another red herring from DPC. If this theory has already been around forever, well... sorry.