Yeah, the pictures coming from one party and the camera from another is very possible.The hidden camera is probably not connected to the Cathy Cluck and the Hell Week pictures being hung around the college. Whoever posted the Cathy Cluck and the Hell Week pictures clearly has a vendetta against the DIKs. Whoever has installed the hidden camera has a vendetta against the Alphas. There's guaranteed to have been some compromising stuff against the DIKs captured by that camera, yet the only stills from it that the person with access to it has leaked are the ones showing Arieth cucking Dawe, nothing has been released that puts the DIKs in a tough situation.
The only reason to link the Cathy Cluck and the hidden camera is that Chad received photos that presumably showed him and Troy in a compromising situation and the general assumption is that they come from the gym locker room like the Cathy nude picture came from because that's where MC sees Chad and Troy himself. However as we don't actually see what Chad received that's not guaranteed, it's possible that whoever set up the camera in the DIK mansion has hidden cameras elsewhere in the college, perhaps even in Troy's dorm room or the Alpha house.
I'm not so sure about the vendetta against the Alphas though. First of all, you wouldn't install a camera in the DIK's broom closet if you wanted to hurt the Alphas specifically. That would make little sense. The camera was placed there because it was the usual fuck spot before Derek moved in and to collect compromising material on everybody who uses it, so mainly the DIKs. Second, the material wasn't really damaging to the Alphas. What was send to the Alphas? Arieth getting railed by every DIK, Ashley and Derek going at it and (presumably) Chad and Troy being gay. Only the last thing would be really damaging, but only to Chad and only if made public. And that is the biggest point: if someone wanted to hurt the Alphas, these pictures would've been made public, to show that Chad has a nasty case of the gay, Anthony is a cuck, and Dawe is a hypercuck. But they weren't. They were sent to the Alphas directly. The reason for that is, in my opinion, that somebody wanted to cause a frat war, since the Alphas had to assume that the DIKs were behind those pictures. Now, if the frat war was to hurt the DIKs or B&R in general, we don't know yet. But if you wanted to hurt the Alphas, publishing them would've been far more damaging to them.