Allright, so I've tried the new minigames, ant they are absolute shit. The least bad is the fighting minigame, but even there the stylized arrows throw me off, where before I could pretty much do it without any difiiculty. but the other two? good god, they suck, the science one was somewhat interresting until it came to the bullshit click mouse at the right time to achieve good result idiotic mechanic that I hate.
As for the math game? It's so absolutely annoying, worst part is even If did it perfectly you could still get situations where the diamond could be in of several places, and the only way to know if you fucked up was to use an extrememly limited resource or complete all stages and find out you fucked up. And then you would have to start all over again. Frankly they are trash, badly designed badly thought out, and don't add anything to the game, but frustration.