Not sure what point there is in removing episodes to determine different trends. There are many factors influencing delivery times (render factors, game factors, hardware upgrades, and even external factors) that are not accurately factored in at all, so the point of collating all the episodes render data and trending it makes more sense the more episodes you include.
The more episodes you include with worse ratios, the more that ratio looks to be standard, I feel like that point is fairly obvious. My claim was that more recent episodes are not seeing the same rate of efficiency that you saw with past Episodes, specifically the Episodes in Season 2, the most recent episodes; if you include episodes past Season 2 and then go "well actually, the recent episodes are pretty close to the average ratio of all episodes" that doesn't correlate with my claim. My claim wasn't about all the episodes, my claim was about episodes in Season 2.
It's fair to say that the more episodes you include the more accurate the data is, but it simply doesn't connect to my claim that way. And yeah, hardware factors do affect the accuracy... in favor of later episodes. Yet later episodes are still above
your trendline.
Point being that you can simply look at the ratio of renders per day of development to see that later episodes are simply not on the same pace as Episodes 7 and 8 when they should be
outpacing it with the hardware upgrades that DPC has done (mainly Episode 11 but also a portion of Episode 10 benefitted from this).
Yeah, I think it's obvious that more renders means longer development times, I don't think anyone needed a trend line to understand that. It's that if we were on Episode 7's pace, 11 months development time would mean ~7700 renders and ~37 minutes of animation. If we were on Episode 8's pace, 11 months of development time would mean ~6600 renders and ~42 minutes of animation. We got almost 1000 less renders than the Episode 8 pace in Episode 10 and 12 less minutes of animation than the Episode 7 pace in Episode 10, the worse of both episodes. I think it's fair to say the number of renders is not proportional to the pace of those two episodes.