Personally, I think all the girls in BADIK have flaws, which is one of the great strengths of this AVN: the possibility for most people to relate to the characters on different levels. Of the 5 MG, Bella and Jill are the least relatable to me.
JILL - I've met at least two girls like Jill and my problem is ingenuity in human relationships outside of their privileged and comfortable "gilded cage". Especially after we learn about her sister and how she apparently left to live an existence of her own choosing, far from the privileged reality into which she was born. I just don't have patience with this type of person, it really unnerves me, it makes me want to slap that person until they fucking wake up! So... when I do my replays, I always leave her story arc to play last.
BELLA - I don't think Bella hates men, but she definitely lives in the past. Plus, there's the whole “teacher/student” issue, which seems to create more problems than be Jade's “private revenge fuckboy” Still, the whole mystery surrounding her husband leaves me intrigued enough to engage with her arc. A possible future for this couple seems really hard to become a reality, unless a change a scenery occur in the future. Who knows?
JOSY/MAYA - I have zero problems with the idea of a threesome. In fact, nowadays, being more mature and knowing myself better, it would be my ideal type of relationship. Obviously it's not easy at all, especially the way this throuple started. Honesty and communication is essential in any relationship, but in a polyamorous relationship like a threesome, these two characteristics become pillars that can easily collapse. That said, I really think it's a shame that DPC turned Josy into a true nothing as a character, a girl like any other, as she is told to during the Halloween party. As for Maya, if in real life I would stay away from someone with all her family drama (believe me, I've had my share of similar families in real life, that's enough for me!!), playing this AVN, I feel compelled to try to help for her to find some kind of happiness and redemption, to get rid of all the shadow that her father casts over the entire family. Contrary to the majority of this forum (at least, apparently) I would like to see this threesome happily thrive, I don't think it's impossible, there are examples around the world who even got married and had children. However, it seems that DPC will actually direct us to a scenario of choice between the two characters. And to be completely honest, I'd choose Maya, every single time.
SAGE - Another character with a problematic family, but who I think has greater capacity to grow as a person than Maya, for instance. The outbursts of anger, the obsessive personality, all of this can be channeled in a positive way if the person wants to and has someone to support them to process this change. I think that a character who still has a lot to grow and the possibility of confrontation with the MC depending on the choices made, could be a turning point that takes her towards that maturity. As for Quinn and the possible consequences of having trusted her somewhat blindly to lead the HOT's, I think that has explosive possibilities! Furthermore, I consider it very hot, sexually creative, safe and fun, in addition to the possibility of bringing a "third party" to bed occasionally, in order to spice things up, haha!