Absolutely! Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying being honest is the Chick route, just that it can be considered a more Chick move depending on the side you look from.MC isn't doing Heather any harm. In EP.10, when John Boy wanted to meddle in Tommy and Heather's relationship, do you remember what MC (who kept Tommy's secret) said?
JB "What do you think I should do?"
MC "If I were you, I'd probably stay out of it. But that's me."
MC "Tommy's and Heather's relationship isn't a normal one. I'd let them sort their issues out without getting involved."
MC "I wouldn't make too big of a deal out of this."
JB "Maybe you're right..."
JB "I wasn't sure who to talk to about this. Since Elena is Heather's friend, it didn't feel good to mention this to her."
MC "I get you."
JB "Thanks for easing my mind, dude. It's good to have people you can trust with these things."
Same with other great games like The Witcher, Dragon Age Origins, and others.. there's no good and bad, as a "good" decision could actually become bad, or less good. The "goodness" of decisions you make in those vary drastically based on what perspective you take.